Quincy Knight stocked his way through the parking lot, the invitation was being forcibly crushed through the fingers of his fist. He had tried talking himself into football- but after reading the invitation a third time he couldn't bring himself to go. “In loving memory of Suzanne Moore.” His mind repeated. He trembled and pulled his keys out of his jacket pocket. He pressed the autostart button and his black Camry, affectionately named ‘Baby,’ started up with a soft purr. He opened the door and threw his backpack and the crumpled invite to the passenger side door. He needed answers. Why were they just giving up? It had hardly been a full week and nobody was looking for her. She had to be out there. He was going to get answers. He reversed out of his parking spot and nearly hit the bumper of another vehicle coming out. Even knowing it was his fault he flipped them off before speeding away. It only took fifteen minutes to pull up by Suzi’s house. He knew the way like the back of his hand, he had spent the year picking her up and taking her home from school. He saw an unfamiliar car already parked by the house and frowned. He got out and slammed the door closed. Somebody in dark clothing was already on the porch. Quincy narrowed his blue eyes recognizing him as he got closer. He scowled, it was that [i]Pervert[/i]. How dare he show up here. He all but ran up to the porch- not even really sure what he was going to do when he got there. Quincy roughly grabbed Gwyn's shoulder, pulling him around to face him. [color=a187be]“How dare you show your face here.” [/color]He snarled. [@ProPro]