[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DqbcKHy.png?1[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/9HFgJ4N.png[/img][hr][b]Partner Digimon:[/b] [url=https://wikimon.net/Zubamon]Zubamon[/url] [b]Digimon Lvl:[/b] Rookie (In-Training) [b]Location:[/b] Witchelny, Nyttliv [b]Tag:[/b] [@Crimson Lion] [@Shiyonichi] [@Duthguy] [@AcetheKidd][hr][/center] [color=lightblue][b]"I'll stay behind..."[/b][/color] he groaned, letting himself gently down from Kiba's back. [color=lightblue][b]"Someone has to protect them. I-"[/b][/color] A rake of pain assailed his shoulder and chest. He held it hard before sitting by the tree, where Gilt was quick to join him--Wanyamon in his arms. [color=lightblue][b]"I-I can at the least provide, Gilt with enough energy to Digivolve should something happen."[/b][/color] [color=gold][b]G[/b][/color]ilt eyes were glistening though they maintained a certain level of coolness. [color=gold][b]"Finally, now I can apolo-"[/b][/color] [color=lightblue][b]P[/b][/color]hase held his hand up and effectively silence the Digimon. [color=lightblue][b]"Later, Gilt. We'll discuss this later."[/b][/color] The blue-haired boy looked like he was recovering swell, though it was the bruises and throbs that ached him now. [color=lightblue][b]"Kiba, Kid,"[/b][/color] he fixed his eyes on someone...new? His tone shifted to one of plain curiosity.[color=lightblue][b]"Who the hell is she?"[/b][/color]