[@vancexentan] [quote]I'll bury the hatchet and just let you keep the mind's eye thing at B rank which is C until studied. In my personal opinion it shouldn't be there but I'll give you some leeway. [indent][color=cadetblue][i] Hmmm, upon further debating on myself I just decided to lower the rankings to what you suggested earlier which makes sense for Assassin. So in the end it will be [b][ D Rank ][/b] at base line that has the possibility of becoming [b][ C Rank ][/b] in combat after studying. [/i][/color] [hider=Changes] Guile and Subterfuge (B-) // A skill that Assassin had picked up during the years that they operated, moving through the many different courts and echelon of power made them accustomed to the many different natures of people. With eyes in every shadow and tongues carefully held, they learned the unspoken language that people communicated even if they didn't recognize. It is a more sophisticated version of [color=salmon][ Human Observation ][/color] that came from the training granted to Assassin allowed insight not only during socialization but applying to things outside of it as well like combat if given time. Upon studying an individual for a day, Assassin gains [color=salmon][ Eye of the Mind (True) ][/color] against them at [b][color=salmon][ C Rank ][/color][/b] within combat. However, if preparations for this skill is not met for a Servant or individual, the buff they have against them does not trigger and their [color=salmon][ Eye of the Mind (True) ][/color] is lowered by a single rank to [b][color=salmon][ D Rank ][/color][/b]. Outside of combat though, this skill shines as Assassin's own political savvy and experience allows him to keep this skill at its original value of [b][color=salmon][ B Rank ][/color][/b] when it comes down to talking or socializing with others. Allowing him to see the possibilities of guiding a conversation to the desired result that he wishes, it allows one to escape a discussion or engage in one with much more finesse. [/hider][/indent] If you take out the memory wiping, and just have him deal magical 'stab' damage against enemies (as long as it's not automatically fatal) along with the healing factor I'll be fine with it. [indent][color=cadetblue][i] Okay that sounds fine, I'll just need to cut some things from what I originally put and adjust a little. In the end, the memory thing is removed~ [/i][/color] [hider=Changes] This Noble Phantasm is a technique that opens the doorway to the 'soul' using the body as a medium. Being a two way relationship, the connection between Assassin and their target can be said to be very intimate with what it entails. One could damage it in order to affect their physical body, being a less mundane way of attacking that what others would suspect. A powerful enough technique to even scramble the Magic Circuits of those who possesses them in a short time as seen when [color=salmon][ No Name Assassin ][/color] used them and when specifically directed Servants, could bring them down to their knees. It is in essence 'dealing magical damage' to his opponents that ignores the endurance of the flesh and instead competes with the magical fortitude of a character to see if damage is dealt through the use of any medium that Assassin chooses. The same can be said that through this way, a person can also be 'healed' instead of being harmed as Assassin can cut and remove the infected or ailing part of a person as 'healing' but requires much more control than the process of simply harming another. [/hider][/indent] [/quote]