[color=9932CC]"Wonderful!"[/color] Rosalie walked towards the weapons crate that George had left behind and openned it, pulling a stout, serated cleaver within a leather sheath; a thin and glistening silver chain bounced bits of the sunbeam from the window around the room. [color=9932CC]"He isn't very subtle, is he? Quite the craftsman, though. He's always treated Lucy as well as I do. But then, I have the feeling all his projects are sort of his children. Quite gifted, that one. He made her, and I care for her."[/color] She gracefully floated toward the door Aito Mitsui was holding for them in to the hallway, and beamed at Akira and his companion. [color=9932CC]"That's incredible! What is it's name? It's simply darling. Don't be getting him hurt."[/color] Realizing that she'd gotten distracted, she cleared her throat and continued addressing Aito. [color=9932CC]"Please excuse me, and thank you for welcoming us! I'm excited to play with our new comrades."[/color] She sang out, her voice echoing through the hallway. Yoshi felt a bit less uncomfortable than usual, he often questioned where he was going; what his purpose was. Someone literally tugging him around was a bit frustrating, but it left little room for him to wonder. [color=B0C4DE][i]At least this is simple.. Seems safe, I s'pose.[/i][/color] Rosalie's melody interrupted his train of thought.[color=9932CC]"As far as classes are concerned, I'm a [i]Cleaver[/i] It is a custom class as well. I simply don't enjoy fighting that much, unless it's for the right reasons. I feel violence is unnecessary."[/color] She pulled her cleaver from it's black leather sheath, stiched together with a fine crimson thread. [color=9932CC]"I use Lucy here to incapacitate foes as quickly as I can. I get in, lay them down, and get out. My size doesn't help much, so I've had to resort to a blade."[/color] She lovingly placed the weapon back in to it's home, as if tucking a child in to bed, and wrapped the silver chain around her left wrist, leaving the slack to fall where it may at her side. She turned to Yoshi and playfully but gently swatted at him. [color=9932CC]"Well, go on then. It won't hurt anything. It's fine, I promise."[/color] [color=B0C4DE][i]She's so naive.. Hunting monsters and disagreeing with violence doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Unless it's on of those 'right reasons' she mentioned, but still. She'll need someone to watch after her, or she's sure to get herself hurt in a place like this.[/i][/color] Yoshi looked back at her, and then turned to Aito, with a new sense of certainty. He spoke a little louder than his typical mumble. He didn't want the typical interjections of 'What?', 'Speak up.', or 'Excuse me?' [color=B0C4DE]"Look, I don't know a whole lot about all this. Most of the fighting I've done is against myself. But, I don't like to see others hurt. I s'pose if you had to put a name to the class I chose, it's [i]Masochist[/i] I'm hard to hurt, so I step in. If someone is about to be harmed, I'll take the hit for them. It's not like it matters much in the long run. Just think of me as cannon fodder. And, I suppose I should let all of you know, if we'll be working together, that one of my skills is... We'll say controlled, but it gets to me sometimes. Just ignore me if I trail off or seem distressed."[/color] It's the most he'd told anyone about his state in years, and his face flushed at the thought of his self-proclaimed weakness. He took his hood down with a sigh and reached down the neck of his jacket to produce a large straight razor from his back, The handle sort of 'tie dyed' with hues of green and purple swirling and twisting together, silver snakes chased their tails and embroidered the black letters stamped in to it [b]'WHY?'[/b] He lazily flipped it open, and stared at the edge of the blade hanging at his side, almost entranced. [color=B0C4DE]"I use it if I have to. Honestly, sometimes I forget it's there. It's just habit at this point to carry it."[/color] He looked in to Aito's eye, and felt they may have some sort of common ground beneath them. [color=B0C4DE][i]Maybe they aren't all the same..[/i][/color] He was no longer bored, but a bit worried. This didn't seem like the sort of thing to get excited about, but this odd bunch seemed at least a bit enthused, or was it a sense of duty? Rosalie interrupted his thoughts and closed the blade for him, drawing his half-here, half-there gaze toward her. He almost autonomously put his blade back in to the sling he had sewn in to his jacket. [color=9932CC]"I think they've heard enough for a brief introduction."[/color] She turned back to Aito and Akira [color=9932CC]"Wouldn't you agree? I'm excited to get started, and we aren't cutting class simply to stand in the hallway."[/color] No later than she made the statement did a visibly distressed, but very polite man come striding down the hallway in what seemed to be a hidden panic. [color=fdc68a]"Well and welcome, hopeful Hunters! I see you're experiencing firsthand the courageous initiative and mastery of the present moment for which our Club has earned prominence - alongside our success rate, of course, and our delightfully low yearly fatalities - and eager to join us, in this eminently approved and above-board field expedition Aito will of course assume full responsibility for having launched."[/color] His voice reinforced Yoshi's uncertainty. [color=B0C4DE][i]'Well.. Clearly we aren't wanted here.. We'll go on this field trip to the third floor, and I'll suggest to Red that we find some other club to join.'[/i][/color] Rosalie simply giggled and gave her typical curtsey to the new arrival with a smile. [color=9932CC]"Good afternoon, sir! I'm pleased to meet you."[/color] She straightened her back, feet together, placing her left arm behind her and extending the right for a handshake. [color=9932CC]"I didn't catch your name?"[/color]