[quote=@Drakey] [@ViolentViolet] Hey, I want to play as a complete fucking genius!!!! I have an idea and will send a snapshot of it to you in the PMs [/quote] I'm not sure what happened to sending it to me via Private Messages, but you've given me no choice but to give my verdict in public. From what I've read above, Cindercoat,as you called him, is much too human-like. The Warriors express emotion and organize well, but they never pass that line, correct? I believe that having a 'genius' or a cat that uses human contraptions the same way that humans do, would not fit well into the setting among the clans. If you so desire, you can turn him into an average cat, and a loner who must look after himself. But using traps, bags, and coats like humans do, are beyond the reasonable limitations I must impose.