[@Lionhearted] [@HushedWhispers] Here is my attempt, at a Witch. It's been ages since I've done one...so if anything needs changing or so, let me know :) any suggestions are also welcome. [hider=Vivienne Featherstone] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171112/142b6ac3b417b04bb68845e1e4a899a8.png[/img][/url] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/supermanrebirth/images/5/53/Katie_McGrath.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160813040836[/img] [color=9966CC][b][sub]{ [i]"If you piss of a witch, you have her entire coven to deal with. So tread careful My Dearies."[/i] }[/sub][/b][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI1VzSNhMpo]Maneater[/url] || [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnABC0b1gCI]You Spin me right round[/url] || [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqzHeEXIzQk]Young Volcanoes[/url][/center][hr] [color=Magenta][b]|[u] {Full Name} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Vivienne Morganna Featherstone.[/indent] [color=Magenta][b]|[u] {Nickname} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Her friends call her Viv, Or Vivie. Many people just refer to her as Miss Featherstone.[/indent] [color=Magenta][b]|[u] {Date of Birth} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]September/18th.[/indent] [color=Magenta][b]|[u] {Age} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]25 Years Old.[/indent] [color=Magenta][b]|[u] {Gender} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Female.[/indent] [color=Magenta][b]|[u] {Sexuality} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Straight.[/indent] [color=Magenta][b]|[u] {Relationship Status} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Single.[/indent] [hr][Center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/XyzoTSE1lmocU/giphy.gif[/img][/Center][hr] [color=Violet][b]|[u] {Role} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Witch.[/indent] [color=Violet][b]|[u] {Occupation} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]She owns her own Wicca Store. It holds books on Witchcraft and Sorcery, Spells/Potion Books, Talismans and even a little Alchemy studio inside of it.[/indent] [color=Violet][b]|[u] {Face Claim} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Katie McGrath.[/indent] [color=Violet][b]|[u] {Dialogue Color} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent][color=Violet]Violet.[/color][/indent] [hr][Center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/D7i5M0jvsjC1y/giphy.gif[/img][/Center][hr] [color=Plum][b]|[u] {Appearance} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Vivienne is a young beauty, standing at 5'6.5". She weighs about 125lbs. She's very slender and has a beautiful hour glass figure. Her dark raven hair, falls in lush soft curls. She has soft blue eyes. Her eyes tend to have different affects, in one light, they seem almost crystal clear. In another, they seem to have a hint of green. And others find them rather mesmerizing. She has full, plump beautiful lips. And her skin is flawless. It's a rather pale, creamy color. She almost always, wears her hair down. Occasionally, she will style her hair up into an elegant hairstyle or into a plait. Vivienne likes to wear a head piece, earings and necklace that matches. Usually, they each have some kind of a stone or gem, imbeded within. Her wardrobe is of rich colors, including Blues, Reds, Purple, Gold and shades of Green. Vivienne is mostly seen wearing dresses with high heel boots or flat shoes, that match. During the cooler days, she wears her jeans and elegant shirts. Nonetheless, she always looks smart and beautiful, in what she wears. And also stylish. Viv, always wears her Talisman. A necklace, that she always has on her neck. [hider=Her Talisman] [img]https://img1.etsystatic.com/206/0/12522669/il_340x270.1329399891_j4gb.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/indent] [hr][Center][img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31300000/Lady-Morgana-Season-1-merlin-on-bbc-31375803-333-500.jpg[/img][/Center][hr] [color=SlateBlue][b]|[u] {Habits & Quirks} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Vivienne's eyes glow a yellow-orangey color, when she uses potent magic. She has a tendency to click her tongue, or whistle if she's deep in thought. For some odd reason, it helps her think. When she flirts, she flicks her dark locks behind her shoulder. It's been known to have charming affect on the other gender. Vivienne uses her right hand a lot, wether it's for Scrying, writing, every day tasks like handing someone something or gesturing, during a magical spell. If she uses left, it throws her off.[/indent] [color=SlateBlue][b]|[u] {Hobbies} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Reading. Vivienne always has a book in her hands. Either a book about magic, or just an ordinary book from the Library. Art. She's quite a good artist. But would not consider being a professional. She has a long way-away from that. Inventing new spells and potions.[/indent] [color=SlateBlue][b]|[u] {Likes} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Most of her fellow witches/warlocks. They're almost like family. Wine. In Particular, she prefers red. Flirting, with handsome men. Learning new spells, potions. She never knows, when something new can come in handy. Cooking. She likes to experiment with her cooking. Summer and Autumn. They are her favorite seasons. Nature. As a Witch, she feels in-tune with mother nature and it's creations. Especially the elements. Music. She prefers Classical, like Mozart. She finds it rather relaxing. Swimming. [/indent] [color=SlateBlue][b]|[u] {Dislikes} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Other Witch Covens and Hunters. Bugs and Critters. They are annoying little things, that get in her hair. But sometimes make useful ingredients for potions. People that get on her nerves. War. She thinks it's pointless and wastes the potential of life. Dark Chocolate. She finds that particular variation is too bitter for her. Outsiders, that are out to cause harm. Arrogant, Selfish people. She doesn't get on well with those. Especially if someone thinks they're better than her. That sets her teeth on edge. As she finds it insulting.[/indent] [color=SlateBlue][b]|[u] {Fears} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Not that she would ever admit it, but she fears the Voodoo Coven. Ageing and Death. She loves life and beauty. To grow old and eventually die, is a scary thought for her. She'd much rather prefer Immortality. The wrath of Vampires and Werewolves. Their temper and rage, is not something pleasant to witness.[/indent] [color=SlateBlue][b]|[u] {Secrets} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]She turned her sister's boyfriend, to stone. After the truth came out, that he cheated on her. Vivienne has secretly, helped out a few stray Werewolves, in the past.[/indent] [hr][Center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/merlin1/images/7/71/Morgana_hooded_Series_5.png/revision/latest?cb=20120831124844[/img][/Center][hr] [color=DarkSlateBlue][b]|[u] {Abilities} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]Vivienne like most witches, has a spells and potions at her disposal. She's quite good at brewing potions, elixers and even poison...although, she does not brew poison that often. Only and mainly, by request if her costumers/or fellow witches and warlocks desire it for some reason. She works in the field of Elemental Magic. Whilst she has displayed power/ability over Earth, Air, Water, Ice and Fire. Her most potent ability seems to be that of control Ice. There are variety of ways and effects, that her spells and magic create when controlling that particular element. Vivienne also likes to experiment with new potions and spells. Some are quite effective, some not so much. [/indent] [color=DarkSlateBlue][b]|[u] {Limitations} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]The more powerful a spell is; it drains more of her energy. She's learning to build up her tolerance slowly, but on occasion does need a little rest after very potent spells. When her experimenting is concerned. It can be quite dangerous. At times,her spells and potions have a different affect then intended. Whilst some of her ideas may be somewhat genius, it is not yet perfected. Vivienne can be influenced, by a Vampire's Compulsion; if she is not wearing her talisman. Her talisman protects her from a Vampire's influence. But it cannot repel every darker forces of dark magic.[/indent] [color=DarkSlateBlue][b]|[u] {Personality} [/u]|[/b][/color] [center][h3][u][color=00aeef]♦ [/color][color=MediumSpringGreen]Intelligent[/color][color=00aeef] ♦ [/color][color=Crimson]Cunning[/color][color=00aeef] ♦ [/color][color=MediumSpringGreen]Creative[/color][color=00aeef] ♦ [/color][color=Crimson]Bitter[/color][color=00aeef] ♦ [/color][/u][/h3][/center] [indent]Vivienne is a bit of a mystery. Her personality seems to change as quick as the weather. Whilst she is capable of being kind and generous; it does not happen that often. To most people, she's cold and bitter. Only those whom really know her, and get past that cold exterior see her nicer side. If she doesn't trust someone, she's not particularly nice to them. But will still show some kind of respect, even if it's a little. Vivienne is well educated, and intelligent young woman and witch for that matter. Her intelligent comes with her crafty, creativeness. Always looking for some new ways to improve, spells, potions ect. She enjoys the fun with the experimenting. Her creativeness, has helped people on several occasions...when of course, it went right. However, at times she can be rather scheming and cunning. If there's something she wants, she will do whatever it'll take to get her hands on it. Even if it means, a few hurt feelings and loyalties betrayed. Often, she gets what she wants, through her flirtatious skills and beauty. If that fails, she has a spell or two up her sleeve. She's one young witch not to be messed with. [/indent] [color=DarkSlateBlue][b]|[u] {Place of Origin} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]She was born and raised in Salem, Massachusetts.[/indent] [color=DarkSlateBlue][b]|[u] {Background} [/u]|[/b][/color] [hider=History] [indent]Born during a cool September Evening. Vivienne was the youngest daughter of Sapphire and Leonard Featherstone. The younger sister of her two brothers Marco and Phillip. Vivienne also had one sister, Lucy. They seemed like the typical, happy family in Salem. Her parents still quite young, having had her two elder brothers aged 19 and 21. Lucy was born, when her parents were 23. Her parents were now 26 when Vivienne was born. Her parents happy and in love, supportive and doting on their three children. Her two elder brothers, annoying like big brothers are. But protective. Even if she and her brothers argued a lot, the three stuck together. They were inseparable growing up. Whilst Vivienne also had a close relationship with her sister, the pair seemed to bicker more often. Sibling Rivalry, of sorts. There was nothing, out of sorts about the family. Every so often, there were rumors circling around that Vivienne's grand-mother was a witch. But the young girl, didn't take notice of the rumors. Not being a believer in the Supernatural. She and her family,always viewed grand-mother Elizabeth, as a healer. A wise, old lady with knowledge that not many had. But to others, she was a 'Witch.' But Vivienne did not realize, there was some truth to those rumors going around. One day, when she was 15. That's when it happened. Her parents had got into an argument, with her and her elder brother Marco. As the pair had been out late, in the village exploring after their bed-hours. Her parents had been furious, having been worried sick. The argument, made her feel uneasy and rather annoyed. She thought she was old enough by now, to not have a curfew that ended at 8pm. The argument, had caused the reveal of her powers. Vivienne had ended up setting the couch on fire. She had no idea how it happened. It was so quick; it felt like a simple thought and boom...the couch was burning. Her parents were shocked, her brother horrified...and Vivienne herself stunned and confused. The rest of her family, seemed to be shocked and slightly scared of Vivienne. None of them were believers of magic and witch-craft. Scared of what her parents and siblings might do. Vivienne ended up running away to her grandmother. She felt like Elizabeth, was the one person she could turn to. A part of her, thinking that those rumors might be true. After a very very long night, talking to her grand-mother. Vivienne learned, that she is a Witch. Just like her grand-mother. It seemed like Vivienne was blessed with the gift of Elements. At First, Vivienne did not want to believe it and accept it. She tried to deny her heritage, what she was meant for. For about half a year, Vivienne was very reluctant to admit what she was. But her abilities, on occasion showed up again. One instance was, during the Summer Holidays. Vivienne heard her elder sister and her boyfriend arguing. Her elder sister was highly upset. It seemed like her boyfriend was lying about something. And it turned out, that Lucy had been cheated on. Vivienne felt angry; she felt the need to protect her sister from heart-ache. And without meaning to...she turned Lucy's boyfriend into stone with her magic. In that moment, she realized she could not run from what she was forever. Going to her grand-mother again. She told her about the incident, worried about what damage she could cause. Her grand-mother understood her concern and worries. Revering the magic, Vivienne put Lucy's boyfriend; erasing his memory of the incident. Elizabeth then soon began to teach Vivienne the ways of Witch-craft; teaching her basic scrying abilities, spells and potions that would come in handy. But also control over her abilities. Growing older, Vivienne soon started to learn new things on her own. After she opened up her own Wicca Store. She met more fellow Witches and Warlocks. Both, old and new at their craft. But her grand-mother, still being her mentor and guide every now and again. Despite Vivienne's growing confidence and experimentation. She's a witch, finding her purpose and enjoying the magical world, she has been opened up too. [/indent] [/hider] [color=DarkSlateBlue][b]|[u] {Extra} [/u]|[/b][/color] [indent]She has a familiar. A Cat, named [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/c26e/f/2010/216/1/e/the_dark_cat__by_mikeamadeuz.png]Smokey[/url].[/indent] [/hider]