[quote=@VoiD] You could, but it would be pretty meaningless to the Empire's court - the Norse were seen as barbarians to even the Frankish kingdoms at the time, so you can imagine their noble titles weren't held in the highest esteem in the Empire. Perhaps [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantine_bureaucracy_and_aristocracy]this resource[/url] will help you? [/quote] See, I used that article but 90% of the titles were for all sorts of high administrators or officers; various "non-hereditary" things, not like Duke/Baron etc which is what I want. I know you can just translate Count to Graffos for example, but I don't know if it's a legit thing. Perhaps the Greeks would have adopted a more Western court hierarchy? EDIT: Actually I realized "Konostaulos" could work, since it's a title originating from Nordmen for a leader of a mercenary band? And, the blood actual leader of the Varangian band would slowly wither away in importance as the Greeks would start appointing the leader of the group from the most important of the Varangians instead of it being picked by blood/inheritance?