[@Alfhedil] I was simply think that my character would be a member of the Christian Church and the basis behind it would be that the religion has a duty to mediate both the Supernatural and Mundane world. Of course, they would have a bad reputation and stereotyped but isn't that what everyone does to each other supernatural race that they are not a part of? [hider=Lore splurge - Roman Catholic Church] While the Roman Catholic Church is the largest church, it could be generally declared that in Christianity, Saints were powerful witches that have been recorded in history while Prophets are essentially off the scale in their reach and regarded as special. Together these people helped guide the world in a better way and were given these special titles of Saint and Prophet not only for their power but dedication. Ordinary Priests who have been ordained vary in their magical capabilities but at minimum are capable of casting the simplest spells of magic by how the Church and Religion works as they attract similar-minded individuals even if they aren't aware of their talents. The headquarters of these faction of witches would be Vatican City but their reach and influence is world-wide that has been ingrained in history. These priests would be considered to be Witches first before Hunters, since most do not proactively go on missions to deal with small-time threats of the supernatural. They ultimately act as a peacekeeping force to keep order in the Supernatural world for everyone's interests.[/hider] So in the end, yes. In this world, Christianity is based on magic that has been disguised and has its connections to all parts of the Supernatural world is what I am getting at.