[quote=@CrystalApple] [@Lionhearted][@Alfhedil] Its fine lol, the huge thing was a bit iffy so thats why I placed it here first~ Since that is off the table, I'll make a druid who is a Celtic/Irish Witch coming to town. A question that comes to mind: Are there other Supernatural races than the ones you listed? Because with this idea, I was thinking of bringing in other creatures of the night if that is fine with you (like faeries and other spirits of the land since it revolves around what my Witch does). [/quote] I'm not opposed to druidism and a Celtic/Irish Witch, but I don't foresee faeries and other supernatural spirits/entities fitting well within the theme of this roleplay. Though, druidism isn't limited on faeries and such, many having abilities and spells that resemble the wild, the fire, and other things revolving around nature and of the sort. I believe necromancy does fall under druidism as well. [quote=@Kitty] [@Lionhearted] My character will be up either later tonight or tomorrow, sorry that I couldn't get it up today. I was driving the whole day for my move, but it gave me all the time to write the character in my head. Which brings me to a question about part of my character's history/ current life. Is it possible for me to have my character have a sibling below the 16 year age limit? The sibling might be used as a npc, don't know if that is the right term to use for it, for me during the roleplay as they are important to what makes my character who they are. [/quote] Yes, that's all right! I just don't want any PC's to be under the age of 16, but an NPC can most definitely be.