[quote=@CollectorOfMyst] Actually, voodoo is African in origin. It would rise around the 17th century, and has its foundation in West African religions. Shamanism is more Native American. As for whether or not necromancy is among Voodoo practices... well, most practitioners are highly respectful of the spirits, be they departed lives, or as patrons of the world’s aspects. But, just like many things, it is the user who determines what that power is used for. Voodoo is ritualistic, and involves communication with spirits. It should not be considered evil or dark. [/quote] I see. Shame on me for my terrible source material. Lol. While it shouldn't be considered evil or dark, it is often misconceived as so because of how it's portrayed by media and such. Also, some of their spells can be considered dark, which is why I mentioned that there are spells that fall underneath a blurred line between voodoo and dark magic. But then again, there's always a blurred line, no matter which branch of magic is being discussed -- but often times, voodoo is more commonly related. [quote=@WolfLover] [@Lionhearted] Thank you for accepting Devin :) I shall add him to the character tab and add in the sword skill. I think he could have taken it up as an interest and it might come in handy somehow, as he has other form of protection. If an occasion should rise up and he might need it. As for Vivienne. The major witch coven, she dislikes is the Voodo Coven. There are some witches, that she likes outside of her own coven. Her opinion about the other supernaturals...well it's debatable...as it's bound to change every now and again. I can certainly change the shop round a bit, with the scrolls. Her shop would also be open to believers and practitioners of magic, not just witches. But to the public, she could sell the antiques like you suggested...and maybe some form of tokens or talisman's, for good luck. but her shop can be open just for the Supernaturals, if preffered. [/quote] I see, perhaps her shop lies away from the voodoo coven and those from the voodoo coven know not to enter because of the rivalry that they have? I think it'd be cool if you opened it up to believers and practitioners! Granted, Salem is a place in which people go to learn, discover, and invest in things supernatural for their own interest, which could give good business! But perhaps, to the real witches, they know that there's offered products such as potions, scrolls, reagents for spells, talismans, enchanted items, etc. This is something that we can discuss, but for now you can just place Vivienne in the Character Tab since everything else looks good!