[hider=Silas Bardum, The Mushroom Man] [img]http://articles.mtgcardmarket.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Deathcap-Cultivator-Shadows-over-Innistrad-Art-e1458845579904.jpg[/img] Name/Alias: Silas "The Mushroom Man" Bardum Species: Human/Fungus Hybrid Faction: None Biography: There are legends in small towns that simply don't seem like they belong. Legends that must be true, as they are simply too strange to come from imagination. The mushroom man is one of these legends. They say that the old hermit has lived in the far-flung forests for as long as there have been forests, tending to his mushrooms. That may be true. He is so old, and so terribly alone; only his mushrooms to keep him company. He probably had parents, but he doesn't remember them. They say that he has spent so much time amongst the fungus that he has become a fungus himself. This is most certainly true. Now, the Weeping Winter threatens the Mushroom Man's "children". For the first time in living memory, he seeks the assistance of the outside world. Personality: Reclusive, Quiet, Focused Melee Weapons: Bowie knife, poisonous tendrils Skills/Abilities: Control over fungus-based life, regeneration, in depth knowledge of horticulture, naturally occurring poisons [/hider] Sorry to be a hassle. Here's my new character submission. Here's hoping it's a little less tonally incongruous.