Waking up earlier than the sun was normal for Meg, a leftover habit from her days working on the farms around Winterun, so meeting up with Rhea and the rest of their group hadn't been much of a hassle at all. Despite the previous night and the excitement of meeting with the others, Meg had slept quite well and woke up refreshed and ready to get down to business. It was hard to keep her enthusiasm at bay; this was the first time in a long time that she would be going underground since J'raij passed, and her first time ever in a dwemer ruin. Her attempts to look cool and composed passed off fairly well in her opinion, though her eagerness had ensured that she along with her gear had arrived at the lift with time to spare. It gave her enough time to think about the previous night and process her thoughts about those she had met. From what she had gathered, Judena, Latro and Alim seemed the friendliest of the lot, each with their own quirks. Bryjna seemed like someone she could respect, though perhaps a little hard to read correctly. The same could be said for Daro'Vasora, though the khajiit seemed a little more brusque in her approach. Gaius and Balroth had both seemed the quiet, thoughtful sort, perhaps a little brooding, but that was just something she expected from those older than the rest... Well, if she was thinking older, that would have to be the Almer. Meg was still having a difficult time trying to figure out what to make of them. The youngest one, Anifaire, seemed rather shy, whilst Sol hadn't seemed shy, rather someone who just didn't like to speak much. The same couldn't be said for Durantel, who, if Meg recalled correctly, seemed rather haughty and prejudiced, especially while talking to Judena and Daro'Vasora. Any further thoughts would have to wait once Rhea arrived; getting down to business was important for the Nord, and she took in every word the Imperial was saying. She did cast a glance in Durantel's direction when it was mentioned that he would be accompanying her, wondering what his thoughts on the matter were. She supposed it didn't quite matter in the end as long as he did what he had to, which could be said for all of them, really. In her experience, as long as everyone kept to their duties, there wouldn't be much to worry about, save the usual dangers that came during underground expeditions. Skeletons and draugrs for one were something Meg would have expected, and in a strange way even enjoyed seeing, mostly for the nostalgia. Alas, it seemed as if that was not on the day's agenda, having been replaced with flying out of a lift and landing in fast moving water instead. It all happened a little too quickly for her. One moment it seemed they were heading down in the lift, passing the levels by, catching sight of the softly glowing somethings in the distance, and then suddenly lurching to a stop. Before she could even make sense of what Daro'Vasora had said, the lift decided to play with them yet again. Meg was sure her stomach and the rest of her internal organs were still waiting for her at the sixth level, though that fleeting thought didn't last long, the grate giving way and the lift spitting her out like rancid milk. So here she was, struggling to swim against the currents and attempting to pull herself out of the water before being carried away to who knew where. It didn't help that swimming was the one thing she had never truly put into practice, though now that the stupid thought crossed her mind, she did realize that having lived in Riften and not having learned or been taught how to was truly idiotic. It was strange, the sort of thoughts that passed through one's mind when they believed all hope was lost, and the fact that she was beginning to think of her childhood forced Meg to realize that she needed to get out of the water as quickly as possible. Kicking against the current, she reached out and grabbed at the shore, digging her fingers into the ground even as she felt the water threatening to drag her legs in the opposite direction. "Not today," she muttered through gritted teeth as she barely managed to pull her upper half out of the water. Breathing heavily, she lurched forward, kicking back yet again. Against all odds it worked, though she did end up smacking her face against the ground. "Urghh..." Pulling herself up onto her knees, she rubbed at her aching nose with the back of her hand. In the distance she could barely hear Rhea's voice, though the rushing water made it very hard to hear what she was actually saying. Now was not a good time to be caught off guard, so Meg forced herself to her feet, ignoring the water dripping from her hair and clothes. Instead she reached for her bow, already strung and ready to be used. She wasn't too pleased about the string being wet, but there was nothing to be done about that at the moment. [i]Well, time to find the others[/i]. With that thought, Meg pushed the wet hair away from her face and started forward, heading in the direction of where she thought she heard Rhea calling from, keeping her eyes on the water in case she came across anyone else.