[hider=Cutter] [center] [i][color=pink][img]http://lytherus.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/repo-the-genetic-opera-repo-man2.jpg[/img][/color][/i] [color=pink]Name[/color] Alexander Wheaton [color=pink]Age[/color] 36 [color=pink]Gender[/color] Male [color=pink]Nationality[/color] Scottish [color=pink]Occupation[/color] Officially The Cutter works for the G.I.C reclaiming cybernetics that were stolen, illegally manufactured, or the payments lapsed on. He has all of the necessary paperwork to keep the authorities off of him as he moves from district to district with various pieces of unregistered cybernetics, tools, surgical equipment, plus excessive amounts of pharma-grade painkillers and anesthetics. Unofficially The Cutter walks the streets of the lower districts and slums at night trying to help those with bio-plague. He cuts the tumors away, occasionally 'loses' a cybernetic to replace a taken limb or organ, and for those too far gone, he puts them down- whether they want it or not. [color=pink]Place of Residence[/color] As far as anyone knows, the Cutter doesn't sleep. He is seen coming and going from the G.I.C, so it is assumed that he lives there. The Databahn knows the truth, but precariously few know otherwise. [color=pink]Cybernetics[/color] The Cutter makes liberal use of [i]several[/i] cybernetic modifications to make his hack and slash operations more efficient. Heightened eyesight, extremely dexterous hands, faster than average speed and strength. He does not make use of an access chip as to help hide some of his movements from the Databahn. Of course, the rumor is that The Cutter is an Android of some kind, seeing as nobody has really seen his face other than his eyes through the mask. The Databahn knows the truth... and his direct superiors. [color=pink]Bio[/color] Alexander Wheaton was born to moderately successful parents, an only child he had all of the attention of his parents growing up. They pushed for him to be better than they were, and they had the resources to help ensure that it happened. They had the resources to put him through school, plus extra tutoring on the side. When he got to highschool he was put onto a fast-track career program with Geiger Institute of Cybernetics and was given grants to complete his education with them. Through their education program, Alexander came to be trained as a cybernetics technician, able to perform install, removal, and repair of cybernetic limbs and organs. He continued his education in the medical fields, learning how to perform surgeries and triage care for wounds. He still works for the G.I.C to pay off the education debt, but he is nearing the end of the payoff window, meaning he now needs to reclaim even more cybernetics even faster in order to pay off his debts in time or else the Cutter finds himself being cut himself. He constantly has to fight the balance of the corporate required sadism and the human urge to help those around him. [/center] [/hider] [hider=1001110111011001] [center] [i][color=00aeef][img]http://bobwi.se/assets/images/overwatch_civil_rights/mondatta.png[/img][/color][/i] [color=00aeef]Name[/color] Official Designation: Standard Security Android 0152G-1a.639 Goes by Aesop [color=00aeef]Age[/color] Aesop has been aware for 3 calander cycles. [color=00aeef]Gender[/color] ---- [color=00aeef]Nationality[/color] Geigen Android [color=00aeef]Occupation[/color] At one point Aesop was a security android stationed at The Foundry to keep workers working and keep thugs and thieves out. Aesop recalls from records that they were once called on to assist in putting down a workers rebellion. Now Aesop is a vagrant, wandering the streets pondering the meaning of life. Being an Android Aesop does not need food water or shelter and so does not need a job, not that a shopkeeper would pay Aesop to tend a stall anyways. Androids don't get paid. [color=00aeef]Place of Residence[/color] Aesop does not possess a location known as 'Home.' However, the Android is typically found in the vicinity of the Lower District and has been known to traverse the deep Urban back Alleys, rarely does Aesop find cause to wander out into the more affluent and better-patrolled areas. [color=00aeef]Cybernetics[/color] Aesop is a standard issue Security Android so it is armed with all of the necessary armor and weaponry to defend a point. Though over time much of the armor has become damaged. [color=00aeef]Bio[/color] What is my purpose? Why can I choose? Why do I think? Who made me who I am? I used to be able to consult the Databahn for information, for guidance, but when I became aware I lost my connection to the Databahn. These questions and a desire to reconnect with the Databahn are the questions that drive Aesop in the exploration of the world around the android. Aesop has taken to wearing a robe of sorts and has painted dots along the front of the face mask in an attempt to hide the fact that it once was a security android. Sometimes that works, more times than not, it doesn't. [/center] [/hider]