[@Rune_Alchemist] Accepted. Please do not abuse the cold shoulder pun. [@CrabInATree] Little gloomy on the backstory but that's fine. Welcome aboard. [@Sapphire] Accepted. Like Rune, abuse not the puns! [@Crusader Lord] The CS is remarkable and easily meets my standards for such a student. Though I ask that 'magic' be opted out somehow in favor of different wording. It seems like magic but it isn't. [@hagroden] Your character is accepted but I give fair warning. Those with a strong will often clash, especially when their very souls oppose each others paths, so Felix and Chaska must never be left alone together.. Accepted! [color=00aeef][h3]Attention new players![/h3][/color] There will be a time-skip from day two to 3 months from the current IC date coming Monday. That will be the easiest way to join in I'd wager. Details will be in the post.