Void giggled, her black hair waving slightly. Mr. Bun began waving his arms excitedly. Down on the field, Void asked the other opponent a question. Clairi kept her eyes on her, standing stock still. The dark haired girl began circling. Suddenly, the field was enveloped in pure darkness, pitch black. “WHAT?” Willow demanded, frustrated. What is happening? that girl must have done this. She’s a darkness type, then. He added that to his notes. He’d no more than finished typing when the noises started. Crying, whimpering… then the screaming started. The screaming was loud and agonizing and caused Willow to sit stock still, terrified and confused at the noises he was hearing. The screaming grew muffled, like the noise of someone screaming around something in their mouth and the ball of darkness began to get smaller, and the laughing… Willow’s heart was pounding stupidly in fear. I can’t face her. I can’t face this. I don’t even… I can’t even see this. But I’m so scared and I can’t even see it. Willow stared into the ball, trying to figure out what it was. He ran to the fence. He could hear someone laughing. He heard a woman’s voice, Void’s, saying, “What’s that? You want to surrender…? Well, I won’t let you. Not yet.” Willow’s stomach twisted into nauseated knots. He could say he’d never attended a villain’s arena battle before. This- this was something he couldn’t handle.