I would like to point out that most of these people still just have allegations and aren't proven yet. Not to say I disbelieve, just, I've been kinda peeved at the Witch Hunts going on almost as much as the revelation of so many potential sexual predators or harassers. Louis C.K. admitted to sexual misconduct (he invited women over to his room saying it was a party, asked if he could whip his dick out, then started to masturbate). He didn't touch any woman, force anything on anyone, or made someone touch him. He just did something really disrespectful and disgusting in front of the women, and not only did he admit to the allegations, but has his apology letter (which I thought was very remorseful) has been critiqued, he's treated the same as a rapist like Bill Cosby, and even his manager and a few of his friends have been attacked. I'm using him as a light example, and as a fan of his I was honestly extremely disappointed in him. Mostly because the women comics he did that to were under the pretense of him just wanting to hang out because he respected their comedic talent, yet instead of treating them with respect, he turned the party into a wankfest. However, I was still overwhelmed by the level of people needing [i]something[/i] to crucify. Also, George Takei has been accused of sexual harrassment as well, though since he is an LGBT icon he hasn't been touched (pun not intended). If there's one thing that disgusts me more than sexual misconduct, its the hypocrisy of people and the media. [quote=@mdk] Florida. Visiting my old-ass granddad before he croaks and not spending time with you fucks. [/quote] Hope you had fun. P.S. I wrote the top part quickly and edited it. I'm cooking right now.