[center][h1]War is hell[/h1][/center] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/caec/f/2012/343/2/6/i_sweep_the_skies_with_fire_and_steel____by_vipmig-d5ni67v.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [hr] Posting to see if their is any interest in a roleplay involving pilots and WW2. The 1940's was a golden age of aviation, as warplanes were created by various nations and sent against one another. I don't see many aviation role-plays on the site, and I think it could be incredibly cool to roleplay the roar of the engine and the explosion of the guns. War roleplays are fantastic for character development, and you can make some pretty epic fights too. I am not sure what event to properly roleplay out however. WW2 had plenty of different events going for it, ranging from the Battle of Britain to the battle of Wake Island. It really depends on what type of aviation roleplay we want to do. I'd like some ideas from those of you that are in fact interested. Also, the eastern front had a huge amount of aviation and dogfighting, as the Russians struggled to stop the Germans from taking more and more land. So, any interest in this or am I alone?