Aethelred was amused by the dwarf's response, but he had no doubt that the dwarf was right. He now just focused on the battle at hand, and that was when he began to feel a strange power begin to go through, he felt more fearless and confident in the battle as he hacked away at an orc's upper torso. He wondered what the cause of it was and he looked around for the source. He saw an elf bard and Aethelred immediately understood what was happening, the elf was playing a magical tune which was granting him enhanced courage. It helped increase moral, and Aethelred kept on fighting with even more ferocity. He stabbed his sword straight into the heart of an orc and whacked another with a mighty swing of his shield, cracking the foul beast's skull from the sheer force of the impact. He hoped that the dwarf was doing as good as he was.