[center][color=green][h2]Noah Grimes[/h2][/color][/center] Age: 22 Alias: Z2 Gender: Male Role: Technician - All electric moves are at 100% accuracy, also has greater usage out of machinery than other roles Trainer Class: Tech Maniac Proprietor Region: Kanto Appearance: He gives the impression of a fairly unkempt young man on first appearance. Actually on every encounter with him. When the sickly pale young man comes out of the warehouse, it’s clear he hasn’t seen any daylight in what may seem like weeks. His frail thin body is near in competition with Kalos’ very own Elite Four member in a competition of who looks the most sickly and frail. Though Noah’s condition isn’t due to some childhood illness, just underfed, and lack of sunlight on a given few occasions. Okay almost all of the occasions. He’d probably be best described as the region's only neet. Though that might be fairly unlikely, there may be others who knows. His hair tends to be an unkempt, uncombed, uncut mess, often fairly long and flowing just about in every direction it can give someone the impression of a rat's nest. Bags under his eyes suggest long working nights with little to no sleep and his clothes suggest someone on a budget. With a simple white t-shirt, a pair of cargo pants, and combat like boots poorly laced, then the strings loosely tied into the tongue of the boot sticking out. The only thing of consideration that might have been a highly valuable jacket at one point, is his long trench coat, with fur around the rim of his hood. That or he might have stolen it off of someone, who knows. Looking at him terrified you slightly. His clothes hung off of him and didn’t really fit him. His body was like that of the bones of a bird, lean, with very little left to the imagination. The slight showing of his ribs or the way his collarbone stuck out. He had brown irises, and jet black hair. But a very gaunt and narrow looking face that made him look only half human. He didn’t at this point look like a handsome young man, but instead a broken empty individual. [center][img]https://preview.ibb.co/b4z4F6/Noah6.jpg[/img][/center] [center]-claps- “Success. You have found me or really you have contacted me because you need my services. Unless this is a prank call, and if so those are really outdated.”[/center] His voice is hoarse and gives the impression of someone who has forgotten how to speak, and even when it warms up it is gravelly and very rough to the ears, but his pronunciation is clear and concise to get the message across. He has a rather relaxed, but rough presence about him, like he doesn’t really care about what is going on and can be evident in the way some of his mannerisms come off. They either come off like zero fucks were given or very deliberate acts of delinquency. It just depends on the given nature of the situation. He stands at 5’8”, 172cms and is underweight at 117 pounds, 53kg. Personality: Noah is an extremely cunning player when it comes to living in the Pokemon world. He tends to use his brain more often than brute force, that’s what Bruiser is for. Noah has always been a survival first type of guy and has done anything, and everything he can to make it in isolation. Now he’s not about to abuse his Pokemon, nor is he really cruel to Pokemon, but Noah tries to live a life where he’s not drowning below so to speak. Noah is not a cruel individual, but he is cold, calculative and analytical. Everything is about the numbers in his life. And because of this everything is about cold calculations. Noah doesn’t really think about the moral and ethical implications involved in it. In fact most of the time he thinks about how much money something would make or how much something would hurt. As a trainer he goes for a lighting quick fight and one that leaves the most damage. Not because he is some kind of sadist. Simply put the more damage he’s done and the faster he has done it, the more approximate capability he has slipping out of a situation and not having the same person who challenged seek to find him again. Noah likes his privacy, probably the reason at least to his clients he has created several different identities. He doesn’t really care too much for someone sticking in the noise of his current business. And doesn’t really see himself as a criminal. He is somehow able to justify it by separating himself from his clients. Someone else is doing the actions, he’s only ever really overseeing it. Noah doesn’t like showy displays and he certainly is not a hot headed. Actually the amount of fucks he gives is often very low. But Noah is not lazy. He’s prone to sleepless nights getting caught in a project of his. Or prone to overworking himself that he forgets things like needing to eat. He’s sort of crazy married to his job usually. Trainer Stats Bond - 2 Technique - 5 Style - 2 Offense - 6 Defense - 4 Communication - 6 Special - 5 Motto: “Wow, so you’re a real hot shot, huh? Let me put out those flames for yah,” Skills: Computer Savvy - If it’s got a modem and some binary code it’s more than likely he can crack into it. He’s always had a gift for computers, something Giovani recognized early on when he got into their hands. He can do the general stuff, crack a code, create corrupted data. Guess this all falls under hacking, but he’ll stick to call it computer savvy skills. He can create his own software, create proxy server, mask sales and purchases. And he may or may not have stolen some of that very fancy transferring equipment the Pokecenter and Pokelabs use. Engineering - If it's got some wiring, some gears, and some mechanics it’s most likely he can engineer it or at least take it apart. He cannot make anything fancy he only has the basic skills, but pulling something apart and then putting it back together into something else is his specialty. Weapons training - He’s not going to lie, working with Team Rocket had given him the ability to use an array of different specialized weapons. At least with the basic understanding how to use them effectively. Nets, guns, knives, you name it, he probably knows how to hurt you with it, if Bruiser doesn’t get to you first. Self defense Martial Combat - It’s not all fun with the pew pew and the shoot shoot. Sometimes you have to use your hands and he at least knows how to defend himself in a fist fight as well. Connected - It’s not the same thing as pretty Sinis who has a fancy name and can get you pretty discounts. He probably knows more about the criminal underground than most, mainly because he works in those areas and they know him. Of course not by his name. If you need something you shouldn’t have, if it is illegal, or if it is not distributed among public markets, he can likely get it to you. Trapping - Again useful things you learn in the Rocket trainer. Noah can set up a number different traps to either slow something down or well trap it is more the goal. It’s near the same kind of mechanic as tying two wires that don’t belong together,together and making it work. Ropes work just like wires, kind of. And so does a pit trap, well okay that has nothing to do with computers, but hey it’s a pit trap. Perfect Instant Ramen - If someone can’t cook, I can at least whip you up a quick cup of ramen and it always comes out perfect. The noodles aren’t too undercooked, but they aren’t fucking soggy either. Equipment: I have an array of gizmo and gadgets. They tend to be a handy lifeline. Gizmo’s Bolt - Look at this beauty. You know what’s better than a gun? A gun with an amplifier that allows your electric pokemon to store electric energy into and then shooo, you shoot it out into one rail of lighting right at someone’s face or wherever you aim a railgun at really. Perfect for blacking out cities, or putting something to sleep with a lot of voltage. But it takes a decade to recharge or the thing overheats like crazy if I try to use it too often. Okay I am exaggerating when I say a decade, exactly it takes 15 minutes for it to cool down and be able to take juice again. [hider= Gizmo's Bolt][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/iNtgv6/gizmojolt.png[/img][/center][/hider] Zap Stick - If you like my railgun, then you’ll really like my hit stick. It functions nearly the same as the railgun, but the amplifier stores juice in it, press the button and you got yourself a shocky stick. Perfect for when things turn up close and personal and doesn’t have the ridiculous charge time. It just stores in the hilt, ready to be used up and then recharges near Gizmo. [hider= Zap Stick][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/dxeoa6/baton.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Xed Goggles - These. There’s nothing special about these, they are just fashionable, aren’t they. In reality these sunglasses allow the user to read the stats and date information of others. So he can effectively communicate the opponent's weakest side, weakest strengths, so his Pokemon can exploit those. [hider= Xed Goggles][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/eJzt8R/glasses5.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] 2Z Backup - This. This is also nothing. Fashionable huh. In reality this is the backup computer he wears as a wrist watch. It has an ability to plug into most machines, uploads information from the goggles to store into his computer, and saves most of his files as a backup. [hider= 2Z Backup][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/ksTLoR/watch.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] x4 Full Restore x4 Antidote x1 Berry x4 Lemonade x3 Cup of Ramen Bio: “Hi I am Sapphire,” a girl with blue hair waved at the camera with both hands, “I’m looking to become a very famous idol!” She said, “But you see my friends and I need a little help.” A cherrim opened up in front of the camera, a chikorita jumped into her arms, and pachirisu lept up in the air. “See we’re have little to no money,” she pauses, “My friends are real cute, and they would look so amazing in the Kalos region. Imagine me Sapphire and these guys on the stage.” She spins around, Cherim throws some blossoms in the air, Chikorita spins them with its vines, and Pachirisu finishes it off with a sweet scent in the tornado of colors that surrounded Sapphire. “Best coordination!” Sapphire says hive fiving Chikorita’s vines, “You don’t need to send us any money. All you need to do is watch this video and support me-” [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM50fBc1OLE[/youtube][/center] Sapphire gasp, the camera man makes a muffled noise as the camera goes sideways. There’s a little red tail that passes the camera, and a Sandshrew is scene fixing the camera to sit up straight. Sapphire screams and climbs on top of the couch that was behind her. An Ampharos in a leather jacket and a scarf is standing in front of the camera. It seems to be holding some kind of index cards. A Sandshrew in a metal helmet grabs one of the cards. “Do you need services!” Sandshrew holds up. It grabs another cue card. “Then come meet us, on the northern side of town! It throws it on the ground. It grabs another cue card. “This is your only chance to perhaps see if the legends are true!” It throws it on the ground. “If Z2 is real or not!” It throws it on the ground and Ampharos looks at its empty hands. It nods it head and gives a mild, “Baah!” It says as it turns around, you see Gizmo stitched on the back of its jacket and it begins to walk off with the Sandshrew closely following behind. The swipe of a purple tail passes the camera and a Nidoking is seen standing before Sapphire and her Pokemon. He sizes them up, puffing out his chest, and “Hrrrr.” is all it says before walking off. [color=green][center][h2]Team: Cyber Warning[/h2][/center][/color] [hider= Pokemon: Ampharos] Nickname: Gizmo Bond: Max Role: Partner Gender: Male Gizmo’s Stats Hp - 15 Attk - 15 Def - 15 Sp.Atk - 25 Sp.Def - 15 Speed - 15 Appearance: Gizmo is tough and Gizmo is strong. It isn’t that Gizmo cares about his appearance, it’s that Gizmo wants all other Pokemon to know that it owns these mean streets. Its trainer is strong and therefore its strong. It wears a scarf around its neck and has a leather jacket made for it, with its name sewn on its back. Gizmo isn’t just some Ampharos to cuddle, Gizmo is to be feared. [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/daQBv6/Ampharos5.jpg[/img][/center] Personality: Gizmo certainly has a naughty streak about it. It can be at times a mischievous little bully that likes to think it’s big and tough. But that’s what Bruiser taught him, that he is big and tough. He is a big tough Ampharos and no one can mess with him because he’s not like other Ampharos who get groomed and hugged and made into dolls, the horror. Gizmo is strong because his trainer is strong and follows Noah in battle because Noah is tough, just like Gizmo. Everybody runs away when they enter rooms, that is certainly fear. That is certainly the sign of his owners strength. It’s not about love or affection like all those other pampered Pokemon. It’s about surviving these harsh streets. It’s about making sure never to get beat. It’s about trust. And Gizmo trust Noah’s judgment. It listens because it’s trainer has kept it alive. Their life might be hard, but because Noah is so smart, he will always keep Gizmo and his allies safe. How You Met: When Gizmo was small, it was surrounded by a lot of loud monsters that made a lot of roaring sounds. This was Gizmo’s great comfort. His mother was a very tall lady with blonde hair and she wore a leather jacket. She use to have long shoes with a pointy end. She had a picture of a very pretty Ampharos on her jacket, with long white fluffy hair that as a Mareep knew it must obtain one day. When it was small, she gave it a scarf. And that made Gizmo happy. The lady had a boy with her, with black hair. And always said the boy looked like their father. He had black hair too, but she always seemed sad when she shared the picture with them. He use to play with this boy a lot, that boy was Noah. They watched their mother fight powerful trainers, and she was really strong. With a really strong Jolteon. They use to sit and admired her battles. She was a very strong lady. Then one day she looked really sadly at Mareep and Noah and told them to sit at a bus stop. She told them she had to go because she had to do something really dangerous. If they stayed at this bus stop someone would come and get them, someone she knew and they would be safe, and happier in a better life. When she left Noah and Gizmo waited a long time for someone to get them. When no one came Noah grabbed Gizmo and they decided they would live together and be strong like that strong lady.[/hider] [hider= Pokemon: Nidoking] Nickname: Bruiser Bond: Average Gender: Male Role: Support Bruiser’s Stats Hp - 15 Attk - 20 Def - 10 Sp.Attk - 15 Sp.Def - 5 Speed - 15 Appearance: Bruiser is big. Bruiser is strong. Because that’s all he needs. [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/ej1vNm/nidoking.png[/img][/center] Personality: Bruiser always been meant for the intimidation factor. He’s usually the biggest and certainly think he is in charge of the situation. Despite following orders from Gizmo, because Gizmo the one with the coat and Bruiser doesn’t have a coat. That’s fine Bruiser doesn’t need one. Because everyone is afraid when Bruiser enters the room. It must mean they can see his shining strength. Bruiser tends to be less mischievous than Gizmo and instead is simply an antagonizer. He likes to start fights and weigh in his two cents where it is needed. He likes to intimidate smaller Pokemon than him because he is strong and they are not. Noah has kept him alive up to this point and people really respect Noah, so that must count for something. Much like Gizmo doesn’t care too much about friendship, he sees Noah and the team as his allies. His allies who are strong and have his back. He has Noah’s trust, he doesn’t need his friendship. He trust Noah to know what he is doing because Noah always knows what he is doing. They survive and sometimes they struggle, but Bruiser knows they will make it okay. Bruiser’s favorite moment is when a Pokemon looks at him right before battle and looks cared. It makes Bruiser very happy. He also likes lemonade. How You Met: A little fluffy thing and a human came to sleep with a group of nidoran male and female. Their parents didn’t seem to mind. Then these humans came and threw nets at them and took the whole litter of them including the human and fluffy thing. The humans who took them called themselves Team Rocket and they distributed his brother and sisters among a bunch of humans. Team Rocket were mean to their Pokemon, Bruiser heard the way they yelled at his brothers and sisters and other Pokemon. Noah wasn’t like that. He talked to him. But you wouldn’t say it was a loving relationship. They bonded more on a physical level than a mental one. Noah complimenting Bruiser’s strength and Bruiser reciprocating that as affection. After a while they stopped fighting lots of people for Team Rocket and instead Noah was on the computers a lot. Bruiser didn’t mind because he was given permission by Noah to be mean to any human who tried to disturb his work. Bruiser liked that part a lot. When he was small he use to bite them. When he got big he got to headbutt them. And when he was bigger before they had to run away ,when Red came to break up Team Rocket, he got to push them.[/hider] [hider= Pokemon: Porygon Z] Nickname: Zap Bond: Average Gender: ??? Role: Support Zap’s Stats Hp - 15 Attk - 10 Def - 2 Sp.Attk - 15 Sp.Def - 8 Speed - 10 Appearance: Zap would like to wear a scarf. He is inspired by Gizmo’s scarf. Alas every time it tries to wear a scarf it falls off. So Zap must remain like he is. [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/dD9bTR/zap.png[/img][/center] Personality: Zap is confused by this question. Zap is just Zap. It is neither brave nor strong like Gizmo or Bruiser. But one day it wishes to have big muscles like Bruiser. When it hides in cyberspace, sometimes it likes to setup the binary code like tall buildings and crash through it. Because it wants to be big and scary. It dreams and at least believes it will. Sometimes it can be seen trying on different clothes. Zap tried to wear a scarf, but it fell to the floor. Such strange mechanics this world has. Then Zap wanted a coat. But it didn’t fit because it didn’t have a way of putting it on and was uncomfortable to float in. So then Zap tried a hat. And it stayed on for about a few seconds then fell off. But Zap is useful. Zap can fend off viruses. And clean up Noah’s computer. Noah appreciates it. At least it think he does because he compliments it, trust it, and it seems to trust his knowledge to. His Pokemon seem happy despite him not really being an affectionate trainer. So Zap think that is good enough. But it would really like to find something that it could wear. If someone can help Zap find this, then Zap would be most grateful. How You Met: Zap fell out of the computer. Which startled the human and had the human spill something called noodles on the floor. Zap tried to apologize, but he just waved him off with a “it’s fine”. Zap found this an acceptable response and decided it wanted to be with this human. He liked computers. Zap liked computers. The human accepted him. And in time he trusted the human. He was really powerful. Reading through his conversations, other humans were really scared of him. So Zap knew it found a strong human who would protect it.[/hider]