[center][h1][color=9e0b0f]Important Notice[/color][/h1] I'm gonna be honest, I haven't really felt like reviewing character sheets for this, partially because me and Angel had decided that it would be better for Famerin to be an npc, as she wouldn't blend in too well in a lot of the situations we would be dealing with, so it forced me to come up with a new concept, and to that end I was going to implement something that wasn't planned until later on in the roleplay, but that meant I had to flesh it out sooner. I'm not too big on world-building, so when I have to do so many tasks at once, it kinda burns me out quicker. That is why I haven't gotten to reviewing stuff, I burned myself out, because even with Angel helping with a lot of the world building, I did too much at one time. So with that out there, for those of you who might be still interested, I must apologize, but I'm going to let this die for now. I might retry the idea at a later date in time, and if you're still interested and think you might want to try at it again when the time comes, let me know and I'll be sure to tag you if I ever decide to reboot the idea. Otherwise, I'm really sorry for being such an awful GM and wasting your time.[/center]