[b]Name:[/b] Tanarac [b]Picture:[/b] [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/069/e/2/dragon__s_den_rp_character_by_noguy-d79r4fm.jpg] [b]Race:[/b] Kobold [b]Position:[/b] Head kobold servant to Amrel [b]Background:[/b] Born in the warrens beneath Amrel's cave, Tanarac serves the dragon as they all do. He was hatched in the communal nest where all of his tribe's children are born, and raised in much the same way as they were. The tribe's young were usually instructed to be become one of three things: a miner, a soldier, or one of the staff waiting on the dragon and his family. In Tanarac's case, he spent time doing all three. At first, he worked in the mines as an extractor of copper and iron. When a war broken out, he took up the spear and shield that are the standard weapons of his tribe (which used to be known as the "Deep Stone" tribe, but now calls itself the "Amrel" tribe, due the their allegiance to the dragon) and fought. After winning some victories, he was promoted to be one of the highest-ranking members of the tribe, eventually being called on by Amrel to be his chief servant. Now, Tanarac lives in a cave right next to Amrel's, and he helps the dragon manage the day-to-day affairs of the realm. [b]Personality:[/b] Tanarac is best described as loyal and dutiful. He supports the dragon even when Amrel loses his temper. Tanarac is no fanatic, however, and unlike the other kobolds, doesn't view Amrel as some sort of deity or creature of similar stature. He knows that Amrel is just flesh and blood as he is and is prone to making the same errors. As for his personal life, Tanarac is considered an attractive mate among the kobolds. Since they do not marry, all eggs laid by the females in the communal nest have unknown parentage, and their young are raised by female caregivers who are the collective mothers of the tribe's young. As such, he often has another "lady friend" every month, although he wouldn't feel jealous if she was caught with another male. [b]Clothing/Equipment:[/b] He wears a cobalt-blue robe with a little belt, and a brown loincloth underneath it. Most of his tribe dresses in either a sleeveless shirt with shorts, or a simple loincloth. In combat, Tanarac uses a shield and spear, along with a simple leather jerkin for armor. He also uses a dagger, which he keeps in his robes. Given that he, like most kobolds, is only about four feet tall (it varies by about half a foot), he is no threat whatsoever to Amrel.