[color=lightblue][center][h2]Roger, Slacker Extraordinaire[/h2][/center][/color] [b]Name:[/b] Roger Moore [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Role:[/b] Lucky [b]Trainer Class:[/b] Backpacker [b]Region:[/b] Johto [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/pWWGJuz.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Roger's a professional traveller (some might say bum). His ID says "Trainer", but he hasn't even been in a Gym in years and only battles when wild pokemon bother him. For him, it's truly the journey that matters; the destination only exists so he can scrape together some cash so his team and him can eat. He possesses an industrious sort of laziness. If he's really gotta, he will, and he'll plow through it until it's done. That said, if the world isn't ending, it's hard to motivate him to get up in the morning. Perhaps because of his lackadaisical approach to life, Roger is a friendly guy who rarely takes offense, even if you're trying. [b]Motto:[/b] "I'm broke, hungry, and my shoes are worn through. Just another day in the life." [b]Trainer Stats:[/b] Bond - 9 Technique - 4 Style - 0 Offense - 2 Defense - 6 Communication- 4 Special - 5 Unique - N/A [b]Skills: [/b] [i]Camping[/i] - When living on the road, you learn how to sleep outside. Roger's used to starting fires, catching food, and even doing basic cooking with minimal equipment. [i]Sewing[/i] - When you're broke, the best solution to rips in clothes and bags is to fix the hole. Roger's no tailor, but his patch jobs aren't especially noticable and they hold. [i]Navigation[/i] - Who needs road signs? Roger has an excellent sense of direction and knows how to use the stars to figure out where he's going. [i]Bargaining[/i] - It's said that any idiot can make money, but you gotta be clever to be broke. Roger rarely has much cash on hand, but he's got a knack for talking people down from their asking price. [i]Lucky[/i] - Roger and his Pokemon have an unnaturally Lucky streak. [b]Equipment:[/b] A multitool, his pocket watch, a small sewing kit, collapsible fishing rod, and a pair of knuckle dusters. [b]Bio:[/b] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmpnGSDsOFs[/youtube][/center] [center]On a couch, slouches Roger, his pokemon arrayed around him. "What's up? Name's Roger. I like being where I haven't and sleeping late. I'll work for food, but feed my friends first, if it's all the same to you," he averts his eyes and scratches his head, "Quotes, right, uh, 'Why do today what you can put off 'till tomorrow?' That's always good, yeah?" He lazily waves vaguely toward the pokemon gathered around him. "These are my friends. They put up with me, and I keep them company. It's a good system." "He," he nods to the Noctowl perched on the back of the couch, "is Darwin, he and I have been together since we first left home. He's almost as bad as I am about getting up in the morning." He motions toward the Sableye peeking over the couch, "That's Maria, the resident troublemaker. If it's shiny, she'll steal it and probably eat it if it's metal or something." "Lastly, not that he minds," he nudges the sleeping Slowpoke on the floor with his foot, "is Earl. He doesn't do much, but, then again, neither do I. Mutual understanding and all that." He lets out a sigh and gets a faraway look in his eyes, "We were never meant to be be the best, you know? But we never really wanted to. It's been a good ride, and I hope whatever's been going on doesn't ruin it."[/center] [color=lightblue][h2][center]The Team[/center][/h2][/color] [hider=Darwin, the loyal companion] [b]Pokemon Name:[/b] Noctowl [b]Nickname:[/b] Darwin [b]Bond:[/b] Max [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Role:[/b] Partner [b]Region:[/b] Johto [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/f/fa/164Noctowl.png/900px-164Noctowl.png[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Prideful, loyal, protective [b]Stats:[/b] Hp 26 Attk 13 Def 13 Sp.Atk 19 Sp.Def 19 Speed 16 [b]How You Met:[/b] When Roger was five, he wandered off into the woods and got thoroughly lost. As night fell, he started getting scared and likely would have broken down entirely if not for a Hoothoot that landed right in front of him. Once it saw that he was looking, it fluttered over to a tree and hooted excitedly. As he approached it, the Owl pokemon moved to a tree a little ways off and hooted again. Getting the idea, Roger followed the Hoothoot out of the woods and made his way back to his house. From then on, the two would often meet up in the woods and play hide-and-seek, and, when he was old enough to become a trainer, the two naturally set off together. [/hider] [hider=Maria, the snickering thief] [b]Pokemon Name:[/b] Sableye [b]Nickname:[/b] Maria [b]Bond: [/b]Strong [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Role:[/b] Support [b]Region:[/b] Hoenn [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/d/d3/302Sableye.png/900px-302Sableye.png[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Kleptomaniac, easily amused, shy [b]Stats: [/b] Hp 10 Attk 13 Def 13 Sp.Atk 13 Sp.Def 13 Speed 18 [b]How You Met:[/b] When Roger visited Hoenn, one of the first places he wound up in was Dewford Town and the most interesting thing around there was Granite Cave. Naturally, he couldn't help checking it out. For hours after entering the cave, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. As he sat on a rock to rest his feet, he felt tug on his belt. A lone Sableye had taken a fancy to his pocket watch and would have made off with it if not for the chain securing it. Seeing that it was caught, the Sableye smiled widely and promptly vanished into the darkness. As Roger approached the mouth of the cave, the Sableye reappeared hanging from a stalagmite. It frowned and proffered a shiny rock, as if in apology. Darwin, now a Noctowl, hooted threateningly, but Roger waved him off, seeing no reason to start a fight where there wasn't one. He accepted the rock, and the Sableye took this as a sign of friendship. Since then, Maria has cheerfully followed Roger around, stealing whatever takes her fancy, eating what looks good, and stashing a share for Roger in his backpack. [/hider] [hider=Earl, the total load] [b]Pokemon Name:[/b] Slowpoke [b]Nickname:[/b] Earl [b]Bond:[/b] average [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Role:[/b] Support [b]Region:[/b] Kanto [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/70/079Slowpoke.png[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Sleepy, cheerful, hungry [b]Stats:[/b] Hp 20 Attk 2 Def 16 Sp.Atk 2 Sp.Def 16 Speed 4 [b]How You Met:[/b] When between towns, Roger usually fishes to feed himself and Darwin. Maria prefers to go digging for tasty rocks. One night, while fishing along a lake near Celadon City, there was a weak tug on his pole. At first, he mistook it for getting caught on a rock, but eventually it started to move away from him. Not about to let what felt like the biggest fish of his life to get away and leave him hungry, he pulled. After an hour of nearly breaking his rod from the weight it was expected to fight, suddenly the weight stopped fighting him. As Roger reeled it in, a pink head emerged from the water. A Slowpoke had been strolling along the lakebed, stumbled upon the bait on his hook, tried to make off with it, and apparently gotten bored with trying to escape with its prize. Darwin was disappointed with the lack of food, but Maria found the whole affair hilarious and let out a sort of stuttering hiss that Roger had since figured out was her form of laughter. For whatever reason, Earl has followed Roger around since that meeting. Whenever he's released from his ball, he's almost sure to be sleeping, and usually only wakes up after he would have been useful. [/hider]