The tiger lunged for Barakiel again, but this time she was ready for him, and fueled by Adrian's words. She sidestepped the tiger's leaping trajectory, and as he soared past her her grip on her lance suddenly tightened, and electricity danced around it. She then swung the lance, the spearhead cutting into the tiger's side and blood flowed from the open wound. The tiger visibly convulsed on the ground, both from the pain of the open cut in its side and from the electric shock. Suddenly its convulsions stopped before it finally laid still and Shifter slow transitioned back into his human form, defeated. Immediately the medics teleported in and out of the arena so quickly Barakiel hardly saw them come and go, taking Shifter with them. Barakiel seemed to take a moment to breathe, but it wasn't long before that she was again assaulted. She narrowly parried a sword from slicing away at her body. Her attacker was Glorious, the second ranked hero of the junior class. Barakiel breathed heavily as she parried his series of sword strikes, and she even managed to catch him off guard. Glorious grimaced in pain as Barakiel's lance grazed his stomach. For a moment, Barakiel actually had the upper hand, until an blue energy blast hit her in the chest. She cried out in pain as she flew onto her back, the lance leaving her hand. "You son of a bit-" Before she could even get the words out a blue fist connected with her jaw, sending her crumpling to the ground. "You shouldn't speak ill of your betters, girl," said Silvermist. Adrian's hands tightened around the railing, the only thing between him and the ring, [i]"Give in! You've lost, Alexis!"[/i] [i]"Fuck off, I can d-"[/i] "Argh!" she cried out in pain as a foot connected with her side and a sword slashed her thigh. Adrian obviously began to visibly become distraught at the spectacle in front of him. "Come on, dammit!" "Adrian?" Dillon said, concerned about her partner. "Are you okay?" "No! Look at her! Why isn't anyone calling this?! She's outnumbered! She obviously can't fight anymore!" "I-I don't know. But why are you so concerned about her?" Adrian struggled to find the right words, "Because this is unfair!" Dillon looked up to him and thought, "I didn't think Adrian to be the type to care about fairness. Or care about anything, really." Just then Adrian slowly began to levitate off the ground, seemingly to enter the ring. "Adrian, stop! You could get in serious trouble for this!" "You think I care?" "I thought you did, at least! Listen, if you charge in there you will face serious consequences, like maybe losing your rank. Adrian, this is a moment where we could simply watch Silvermist give away all her powers." Adrian gripped the railing even harder now, "So I'm just suppose to allow her to suffer?" "You knew this is, what it would be like the moment you stepped in. So did she," Dillon said upon nodding toward Barakiel. Dillon placed her hand on his as she rubbed his back comfortingly. "You can't do anything about it now. Just trust that they'll take her out soon," she said, close to his ear. Adrian realized how he was acting, how he was losing it, and breathed in deeply and then out. [i]"Keep calm, keep calm."[/i] "Thanks," he said to her as he looked back into the arena. For a few painful minutes the torture continued until the match was finally called and Glorious didn't challenge Silvermist and the junior matches were over. Adrian took a final look at Silvermist, his eyes ablaze with hatred and anger, [i]"I'm going to make her suffer."[/i]