[color=ed1c24]"Shut up,"[/color] Yzeira ordered, finally raising one of his hands towards Oz as he approached, despite the obscured terrain. The area immediate around him remained sealed off from his surroundings, his barrier acting as it should. But with the ground shifting so much, it wouldn't be long before he was forced to move. Or would it? He stood in place, surrounding himself in a steadily growing aura of red energy. The orbs that headed for Oz a few moments earlier, converged into one mass, and launched itself towards him as a sweeping beam of energy that tore through the ground and evaporated the dirt in its way. [color=ed1c24]"Recent events have made you inconsequential. I'm going to kill you now, and then I'm going to make sure that your [i]idiot[/i] of a friend is a bloody pulp."[/color] Yzeira closed his fist as she spoke loudly through the storm. The air around Oz began to redden as he ran forwards, keeping pace with him, and matching his erratic movements easily. The masked man focused his eyes carefully, not on Oz, but on the events unfolding within the Tower, where Shaidra was assisting Zelriane near the bottom floors. [center]~~~[/center] Rajaka tilted his head against the wind as Jeff made his way towards him. But even when he was caught between two attacks, the golden giant didn't flinch. He rose one arm up, and brought the tip of his elbow down into the flat edge of the flame saw, shattering it in a single motion. The cutting winds sliced as his chest, but those wounds sealed themselves in a split second. The two bullets that struck the back of his legs however, he ignored. The sheer density of his flesh didn't stop them from leaving two small wounds, but again, within seconds, that damage healed itself as well. Rajaka spun himself around in midair and cracked his neck. [color=fff200]"Sup."[/color] That's all he said, before slowly raising his right arm in front of his body, and grabbing his bicep with the other. Energy began to amass inside of him at a tremendous rate. Albeit unlike his previous demonstrations, it was still more Ki than any one of the heroes were capable of amassing. [color=fff200]"Remember this?"[/color]