Name: Maxim Blackwood Age: 24 Gender: Male [b][i]Personality[/i][/b] -Maxim has a bold personality, in both tongue and behavior. He is always up for adventure and takes shit from nobody. -His tongue has gotten him into many situations because he doesn't know when to leave comments to himself, resulting in unwanted attention and actions. Over the years, he has tried to tone down the comments but, he can't help the comments against those he despise dearly. His constant stream of remarks has also taught him how to be persuasive and overtime, gave him a Silver Tongue. -However, he still cares for others. He is fully committed into throwing himself into a fight if it means protecting those he cares for. When asked where he got this mentality from, he simple shrugs his shoulders and replies "I have no clue. Your guess is as good as mine." This can make him very useful on a team if he grows attached to it. [i][b]Physique[/b][/i] Muscular, 6'3", 200 Lb [i][b]Attire[/b][/i] -Clothing [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] -Holster For Revolver [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] -Coat [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] [i][b]Equipment [/b][/i] -Chiappa Rhino Revolver - Basic Sidearm -.357 Magnum -Revolver [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] -Body Armor [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] -Stops basic Handgun Calibers -Anything up to .45 ACP [b][i] Major Skill[/i][/b] -Sharpshooter -Very good with Firearms -Especially Scoped Rifles [b][i]Minor Skill[/i][/b] -Extracting Info -Manipulation, Interrogation, Etc. [b][i]Major weakness[/i][/b] -Following Orders Directly -If someone he doesn't like tells him what to do, he has a very tough time doing what they ask and will actively try do not do the job as the person asks, just to piss them off. [b][i]Minor Flaw[/i][/b] -Stamina -Maxim is know for exerting most of his energy quickly, making it hard for him to withstand a very long situation involving physical exertion -Will actively try to end conflicts quick at his pace rather than the enemies -------------------- Character Sheet-Stats [i][b]Physical[/b][/i] -Strength: ******* -Dexterity: ***** -Stamina: *** [b][i]Mental[/i][/b] -Intellect: ***** -Perception: ******* -Wits: *** [i][b]Social[/b][/i] -Charisma: *** -Manipulation: ***** -Intimidation: *******