[center] ___________________________________________________________________________ [color=a2d39c][h3]Softwillow[/h3] CliffClan Location: The Gathering Interacting with:[/color] Tigerfall [@Polaris North], Frostwhisker [@Violent Violet], Sagepaw [@Canidae] ___________________________________________________________________________ [color=a2d39c]“I suppose I could have, yes.”[/color] Softwillow sighed wistfully, her gaze once more resting briefly on the BoulderClan deputy before she shrugged. “But then, she and I are so different that I'm not sure we would get along.” this was another worry that had stopped her interacting with her sister, even to pursue a regular friendship without revealing the truth of her heritage. Well, that and not wanting to upset Frogshade too, but that was a different matter not to be discussed at this time. Any further discussion on the topic was cut off by the arrival of the OakClan medicine cat, who brought a young and fluffy-furred kit in tow this time. [color=a2d39c]“Good to see you, Frostwhisker!”[/color] She greeted the other she-cat as cheerfully as always. Softwillow didn't have too much experience with kitting queens, but she couldn't help but notice Frostwhisker’s belly was much rounder than she last recalled. As the young cat was introduced to be called Sagepaw, and as Frostwhisker’s apprentice, Softwillow turned to greet her fellow trainee medicine cat with a friendly blink. [color=a2d39c]“Hullo there, I'm Softwillow, the medicine cat apprentice for CliffClan. Don't worry about being nervous.” [/color] she reassured him with a twitch of her whiskers. [color=a2d39c] “The Gathering can be pretty scary your first time, but I promise we're all really nice even if some of the leaders are a bit grumpy!” [/color] ___________________________________________________________________________ [color=fff79a][h3]Cinderblaze[/h3] LightClan Location: The Gathering Interacting with: Ashclaw [@Drakey] [/color] ___________________________________________________________________________ Cinderblaze’s lip curled upwards in a show of distaste as Ashclaw dismissed her remark by instead talking about that weakling Darkpaw. The she-cat’s fur bristled slightly before she sucked in a deep breath and regained control of her faculties. Losing her temper with him at the Gathering would not do, nor would it gain her favour with her estranged brother. [color=fff79a]“No, I don't wonder how she's doing...the little whelp got what she deserved.” [/color] Cinderblaze’s tail whisked back and forth, the only indication of her annoyance now that she had set her features into a hard mask. Her eyes glinted slightly as she tilted her head in his direction. [color=fff79a]“What good is family if you can't depend on their strength? You broke mother’s heart when you forced Jaggedstar to throw you out of the Clan.” [/color] her tone was accusatory now, trying to play up on the noble nature she knew Ashclaw possessed, to try and guilt trip him into considering her offer. Though of course it wasn't guaranteed to work. [color=fff79a] “She would be much happier if you came home, to your REAL family.” [/color] Cinderblaze flashed the tom another haughty glance as Jaggedstar called the Gathering into session, breezing away into the throng of cats to find a seat. Using her bulk, the she-cat easily managed to push her way past to find a seat near the front with the best view, head craned upwards with her full attention on the speaking leaders. ___________________________________________________________________________ [/center]