[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [@SleepingSilence] an 18 year old with an opinion. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEuNElg1ONA[/youtube] [/quote] Maybe I'll clarify something. I won't disregard actions of children. (actions mind.) Especially when committing legit violent crimes. Disciplining when young is the only way you can set little bastards straight. But they'll need to prove themselves that they are capable of intellectual conversation, before I hold their opinion with any weight. I'll believe kids hold those opinions, but age and lacking real world experience will be on my mind. But say, if an 18-19 year old moves out of their folks house, lives by themselves. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt they have street smarts, better than someone whose 30 and lives in their mom's basement. I guess in the same way you prefer people having an education when it comes to certain subjects. So I'll call out bullshit spewed from teens and adults alike, because I dislike misinformation. Anyone who sends death threats should be punished, would certainly deter them. But I will certainly take someone whose live a longer life experience and assume their least likely to change. Also while typing this, I feel like utter crap and my throat hurts. So not sure if I'll be able to VC. [s]Yay, my roommate and his girlfriend getting me sick at the least opportune possible moment.[/s]