[quote=@mdk] [hider=so this just happened]Multiple felon and five-time deportee arrested in San Francisco, deported again but the city claims sanctuary status and lets him walk. He steals a gun, fires it three times into a crowd, and kills Kate Steinle; throws the gun into the bay and flees the scene, on video. Is arrested and charged. Offers the defense "I was shooting at seals from the pier;" then changes his defense to 'idunno I guess it misfired three times.' [url=http://www.mercurynews.com/2017/11/30/kate-steinle-shooting-jury-reaches-verdict/]And they let him walk.[/url][/hider] Misgendering a person in the state of California now carries a heavier prison sentence than stealing a gun and murdering a human being. [/quote] We all knew California was a lost state, that sooner or later it would begin to really pay for what it bought. I doubt this is going to be the end of it until this "sanctuary" nonsense is utterly and truly crushed as it well should be. No less, this is a particularly egregious case where favoritism and supposed importance of diversity won out over any amount of rationale thanks to social activism. Aren't we pleased and feeling good about ourselves to have these kind of people roaming free? Clearly they are contributing so much.