[hider= Ensign Tyr] Name: Aria Tyr Rank: Ensign Age: 24 (Symbiont: 203) Race: Trill (Joined) Role: Star fleet security [hider=Physical Description] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/a0/a6/e7/a0a6e75cd8e4f74e5845108a2b445dba--photography-women-photography-ideas.jpg[/img] Height: 1.7 meters (5’7”) Weight: 59 Kg (131 lbs) Hair: Auburn; Mid-shoulder blade length Eyes: Jade Aria has a lithe gymnast's body; However the apparent softness belies the compact muscles that rest beneath. She walks with a dancer's grace, and usually wears a soft smile. Generally her hair matches the situation she finds herself, and can be used to discern her mood. When off duty and relaxed her hair is generally loose. While on duty or focused Aria gathers her hair into a loose ponytail (like the one pictured above.) As the situation grows more intense her hair is gathered into a tight pony tail, or bun. [/hider] Personality: Before becoming joined Aria was most often described as intense or focused. She intended to be the best she could be at whatever task she applied herself, and often came across as very by the book. Underneath the focus was a warm hearted, outgoing and friendly personality; One that received little exposure before the Joining. The Aria that emerged from the operating room however was completely different. The focus and drive was still present however it was softened by a friendlier presence. One as ready with a quip as she used to be with a bland response. Aria became a bit of a social butterfly after becoming a host. Background before joining Starfleet: Aria’s parents had plans for their daughter. Her father was passed over for joining, and her mother dreamt of becoming an Initiate but was unable to pass the entrance exams. Thus Aria was pushed by her parents to excel in all things. Many of Aria’s childhood dreams were abandoned in the quest for her parents approval. However one interest persisted throughout her life, space and its mysteries. She pursued knowledge from and about other cultures. Aria’s parents, having pushed her to be in peak condition, both physically and mentally; Gave into their daughters curiosity when she begged them to allow her to learn the Vulcan martial art of Suus Mahna. As she grew older her love for all things space related grew, and she made a discovery she saw as fortuitous. Much of what the Symbiosis Commission looked for in their initiates was the same as what Starfleet looked for in their officers. Aria had found a goal that ran parallel to he parents hopes for her. Aria took her tests to become a candidate for joining after she completed the Starfleet Academy Preparatory Program. Experience in Starfleet: Aria did very little socializing at the Academy. Most of her time was dedicated to studying. Either for her dual majors at the academy, xenolinguistics and exoarchaeology, or for the tests required by the Trill Symbiosis Commission. The sole exception was the European Swordsmanship club, which she co-captained. Her academic scores caused Aria to be actively recruited by the various elite cadet squadrons. Ending up in Zeta Squad, because another member was in the swordsmanship club with her; Aria received special classes and advanced field training. Aria was evaluated by a Trill field docent a month before graduation. The docent felt the young initiate was cold, however because of Aria’s focus he thought it was a result of the school's enviroment; And thus gave a glowing recommendation. She graduated 76th in her class of 1400, with an academic degree in each of her majors. The day she was to pick her assignment she received word that she had been selected to join with a symbiont; And so Aria selected a post that offered her leave before having to report. Ensign Tyr reported to the Grandeur a different woman then she was upon graduation. [hider= The Tyr Symbiont] Information on previous hosts can be found here. [hider= Tomas] Appearance:[img]https://assets.vogue.com/photos/5891bdf885b3959618476026/master/pass/magazine-idris-elba-1_164713983801.jpg[/img] Occupation: Law Enforcement; Served on Trill. Death: Liver Failure at age of 64. (Carried symbiont for 37 years) Traits carried on: Strong sense of justice; Interest in criminal sciences; Taste for Alcohol [/hider] [hider=Jamona] Appearance:[img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1b/bb/72/1bbb72666e503a80312d25a3d66ec756--cosplay-makeup-costume-makeup.jpg[/img] Occupation: Actor Death: Hover Car accident at age 43 (Carried symbiont for 21 years) Traits carried on: Extrovert tendencies; Love for fashion; Subconsciously hums during silences [/hider] [hider=Zara] Appearance:[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/98/0f/d5/980fd5accb527ccdd8f579849bb7003b.jpg[/img] Occupation: Athlete - Gymnast; Entertainer - Ballet Death: Congenital Heart Failure at age 117 (Carried the symbiont 93 years) Traits carried on: Interest in gymnastic exercises; subconscious tendency to balance on toes when standing idle; Increased desire to exercise [/hider] [hider=Endar] Appearance:[img]https://queerty-prodweb.s3.amazonaws.com/wp/docs/2015/10/price51.jpg[/img] Occupation: Exobiologist Death: Complications from surgery at age 73 (Carried the symbiont for 34 years) Traits carried on: Urge to drink coffee; interest in flora and fauna; subconsciously studies surroundings constantly; Flirtatious attitude [/hider] [hider=Timod] Appearance:[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d7/3a/4f/d73a4f4810c20bf172cfd085d2931f55--battlestar-galactica-stargate.jpg[/img] Occupation: Technician Death: Brain damage caused by lack of oxygen at age 44 (Carried symbiont for 18 years) Traits carried on: Subconscious twirling of tools in hand; Near permanent smile; Witty comebacks; Urge to gamble [/hider][/hider][/hider]