[center][hider=Valeriya Iganov] [img]https://i.imgur.com/mRwmFta.png[/img] [color=778899][b]"Need me to carry that? Or you?"[/b][/color] [b]Name:[/b] Valeriya Iganov [b]Superhero Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]D.O.B:[/b] July 30th [b]Weight:[/b] 143 lbs. [b]Height:[/b] 5'11" [b]Personality:[/b] As stubborn as they come, when it comes to her beliefs, Valeriya may as well be a brick wall of impregnable bullheadedness. Still, she's liable to listen attentively to others...just, don't expect her to take solid advice before she goes ahead and does something. This is likely why her grades are below the class average. Even so, she shows a degree of diligence bordering on masochism, wanting to succeed at most thing she does badly enough to ram her head into a brick wall. It'd take her almost a dozen failures at something before she even begins to believe that it isn't 100% possible to accomplish. She's...kind of a moron. Stubborn as she is, she at least shows a great degree of concern for others, often willing to shoulder the burden someone may be carrying to ease it up on them a bit. She's relieved by the more friendly environment this academy possesses, compared to the almost boot camp like school her father attended. She can generally make a good acquaintance with anyone, but is slow to call someone a friend, given the competitive hero system she'd seen in action. She's used to just following her instincts and doing what she pleases, and as such is difficult to work with if you don't understand how to use her as a battering ram for most problems. She seems almost giddy when she gets to use her quirk, having always secretly wanted to magnetize her fist to someone's face over and over again. [b]History:[/b] Born to a marriage between a Russian professional hero and a woman she only vaguely remembers, a mother of four years that just took divorce papers and ran with them, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Valeriya adored her father, the sole object of familial love she had in the world, given that her grandparents had long since passed away. Her father was her world, and his work inspired her as she was growing up. Like most kids, she wanted to be a hero growing up, using the powers of her parents to fight bad guys and deliver justice. But...things were a bit more strict in Russia. Heroes were kept on a far shorter leash than the ones in America and Japan, as the government wanted to maintain order and power, meaning that the trials one needed to go through as a pro hero there were grueling and exhaustive, with the burden of hero-work not growing any easier after one passed. Regulations, thorough investigations, citizen quarries, popularity...all factored into maintaining one's career and license. It was tough for years, but her father managed well enough until he went just a little too far on someone with a few too many connections. That's all it took for him to lose his licence and become disgraced by his fellow Supermen and Women. It was a difficult time in both their lives to say the least, leading her to grow into a rebellious stage of her life, spending most of her middle school days anywhere but school. It was the usual pretentious teenage bullshit, but it wasn't until she used her quirk for something other than showing off for once. A friend had been stalked by somebody, and, being a good Samaritan, she simply slapped his back when he was harassing her to get him magnetized to a wall for about ten minutes. It felt...good. Undeniably good to help her. So much so, that her entire outlook on life changed to that of an idealist, wanting to become a hero for the sake of others in place of her father. Of course, her disdain for her home's system of stifling heroics drove her to beg to instead attend classes in Japan. She wouldn't stand to go through what her father had, and he supported her. Without perfect grades however, U.A. was out of the question from the get go, but the dorm options for Chihaiten were perfect. It was a difficult transition, going from Russia to Japan, but now that the school year is rolling around, Valeriya is ready to kick ass, while speaking broken ass Japanese and hopefully meeting people that didn't mind that. [hider=Quirk] [b]Quirk Name:[/b] Quad Polarize [b]Quirk Type:[/b] Emitter [b]Quirk Description:[/b] A quirk that's effects are transmitted through contact with each of Valeriya's limbs, with her right limbs possessing a "Positive" charge that can be forced on, and the left having a "Negative" one. When she touches an object or person with any of her limbs, whether it be an elbow swipe, a knee, a kick, or a punch, or even just a light tap, she can "Polarize" the target with the corresponding charge from that limb. Currently, the largest object that she can affect with her quirk is about the size of a pick-up truck, with the effective range being about 100 meters around her in a circle. When two objects are polarized by opposite charges through her quirk, regardless of other magnetic forces, they will be drawn together like a proper magnetic attraction would have. Contrarily, having two of the same charge between two objects will force them away from one another. These effects vary depending on the length of contact she maintains, as the longer she holds onto something, the more "Charge" she places on it. She can also use this quirk on herself without having to touch any part of her body, immediately gaining a maximum level charge of either Positive or Negative at her choosing. To measure the strength of her polar attractions, I'll use a measure of levels for the amount of time needed to enact, and the force that level applies: [list][*]Level 1: Immediate Contact, if applied to two targets, they will start drifting towards/away from each other if physically possible, as if they were being dragged by the chest. Doesn't work so well on larger objects. [*]Level 2: Sustained Contact, IE: Grabbing someone by the arm and holding on for roughly 5 seconds. Two objects at level 2 will start being forced closer or further apart rapidly, at around 10 mph. [*]Level 3: Prolonged Contact, IE: Keeping someone in an armlock for a good thirty seconds or so. Two objects at this level will start speeding towards each other with enough force to start lifting them off the ground. [*]Level 4: Over a Minute of Continual Contact: If held for over a minute, at this point the two objects will most certainly crash into each other regardless of how large they are, traveling at around 30 mph. [/list] This isn't a true magnetic force, rather, it would be more accurate to call it a sort of raw force that just happens to function like it. As such, literally ANYTHING can be affected by it, ranging from rubbers, plastics, concrete, pretty much any sort of normal material. [b]Quirk Weaknesses[/b]: -As this isn't TRUE magnetism, it doesn't work any better on metals versus other materials. -She can only apply the specific charges with the respective limbs, and as such all one would have to do to avoid being pulled to something is avoid the corresponding kick/punch/[s]its all in the time[/s] attack. -She can't maintain a Charge between more than four objects at a time, and she can only put each at about half of her maximum strength for the attractive/repelling force with all four being maintained, regardless of how long she was touching them. -She can't wipe your hardrive for you. -When used on a person or a large object, the charge is target on the object/person's center of mass, meaning they could still move their arms and legs even if stuck to something. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] Swears in Russian when frustrated, figuring nobody understands it. [/hider][/center]