[quote=Double] 1. Keyblades. This one is sort of the elephant in the room. At least one will be incorporated in ways I will choose not to reveal for spoilery reasons. But what I'm asking is should the party be allowed to have them. The issue I'm thinking of is that if everyone has one, then that diminishes their overall value, but if only one or two is allowed to have one then it suddenly becomes unfair to everyone else. Should Keyblades simply be banned in terms of player characters? 2. Nobodies. You'll notice that the plot hook kind of goes out of its way to avoid mentioning them. This is because I simply have no idea what to do with them at present. I can imagine they would just kind of fade away since Sora defeating the Organization kind of made them become irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Any thoughts or whatever concerning this? *shrugs*[/quote] 1) I'd like to start off by saying, I don't want to create a Keyblade Wielder, I prefer to create side characters. That said, I think limiting Keyblades to two players isn't very authentic. Almost everyone other than Donald and Goofy have a Keyblade. Even Lee, who hadn't even been revived for that long managed to summon a Keyblade. In fact, a better example is Kairi. She was a blob for most of the series but still manages to wield a Keyblade. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that the KH Universe isn't short of Keyblade Wielders. Anyone with a strong enough heart can wield a Keyblade. With this is mind, limiting Keyblades to two characters is basically saying those are the only two characters who have strong enough hearts. I think each character should be be able to obtain a Keyblade so long as they perform the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony, which I'm not sure how all of us would do but it is the only explained cannon way to become a Keyblade Wielder. My suggestion is that we allow everyone who wants to, to eventually wield a Keyblade, emphasis on eventually. If your worry is that the enemies will seem weak in comparison to our army, just think of stronger enemies! Haha. 2. I like your stance on Nobodies. [quote=Double]Regarding the above rule, please do not go overboard with it. If you wish to include a character or world from another franchise it has to at least make sense. For instance, Shrek is a character who would likely fit very well in the KH-verse, as would other Square-Enix alumni from games like Chrono Trigger. Ezio Auditore and Darth Vader, on the other hand, would not fit. Does that make any sense?[/quote] As a matter of fact, Darth Vader makes more sense than Shrek. The new Star Wars films are owned by Disney meaning we'll more than likely get to see this universe within a Kingdom Hearts game at some point, much in the same way we saw Pirates of the Caribbean and Tron, two live action films adapted for the Kingdom Hearts Universe.