[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4xZJh9o.png[/img] [color=pink][h3]Aegis[/h3][/color][/center] [color=pink]”Woohoo! Round two is a go!”[/color] Mamoru cheered as Yoshida announced that they’ll be battling again. Despite her shoddy performance yesterday Mamoru was hoping to make up for it this time. Even more fortunate for her, she’s met the three girls who’ll be on her team, and if there was one thing Mamoru was certain, each one of those girls could throw Mamoru really good! Dulga chucked her out of a window, Yukari threw her at Miss Mako, and even Kaida had hurled her at a wall. This meant they were very strong, so all Mamoru had to do was protect them. Hopefully this time she can prove her worth too instead of getting KO’d right out of the gate. Moving to the gym Mamoru was excited to finally get to put on her hero costume. She had designed it herself, though she had her parents help her construct it. Despite her flair for dramatics her costume was fairly subdue but still fashionable. What she considers to be more important was the materials; it was entirely made of her family’s secret armored fibers, a special material developed by her mother that can withstand impacts and friction with sublime efficiency. Despite looking no thicker than a leather top, Mamoru’s outfit was effectively bullet and blade proof. It was also quite breathable and flame retardant. Mamoru would boast that her body would turn to ash before her clothes did. Though that’s probably not something she should try to test. Still Mamoru was positively giddy and the idea of finally being in her hero costume. She also wanted to see what others had chosen for their outfits. Hero costumes had to not only be functional for the hero wearing it, but also cool and unique. Sure, anyone can don military fatigues and ballistic armor and survive hero work in that, but without at least a splash of flair all your good work would be left unnoticed and unappreciated. Thus she wanted to see what other students chose to wear, and hopefully they’ve dressed to impress. Once Mamoru was done geeking out over her outfit she headed to the arsenal to gear up. She needed her ballistic rubber balls of course, since she was a poor shot with a gun she’ll have to make due with these. She also grabbed some sticky grenades. They didn’t explode into shrapnel or plasma, but literally exploded into a sticky glue. Handy to bind her enemies. She also brought some smoke grenades since that was always useful. She also grabbed the tonfa figuring that she’ll need a weapon if she’s going to fight again. And lastly, she took that gauntlet she had played with previously. Not only would it protect her hands, but she could use the mobility of grappling hooks. She wanted to load up on other gear too, but she already filled her pockets with grenades and had the tonfa on her belt. Anything else and she’d be slowed down by her own equipment. As Mamoru was gearing up she spotted Dulga waiting for them. Dulga was still wearing her cloak and mask, and notably she had her guns too. Mamoru had heard someone shooting guns yesterday, and she honestly wasn’t too surprised that it may have been Dulga. She seemed the “Cold Sniper” type of person. [color=pink]”Hi hi Dulga-chan! Waiting for the rest of the team?”[/color] Mamoru would receive her communicator if Dulga gave it to her and equip it. She tested it to make sure it was working. [color=pink]”Hello hello? Testing one-two-three!”[/color] [@Norschtalen] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/liks82d.png[/img] [color=firebrick][h3]Dark Matter[/h3][/color][/center] Donny gulped as he looked over the teams again. Luelle, Haruka, and Acion. He knew Haruka and Acion well enough, but he doesn’t remember meeting a Luelle. He hoped she was nice. He tapped his fingers together nervously and ate some of his onigiri for courage. [color=firebrick]”D-D-Don’t freak out Donny boy, you can do this…”[/color] Donny did also look at the other students and their teams. Namely, he looked at Mina’s. Mainly because her and Ezra are the only ones who actually know what his “true” form looks like, which could be used against him. Mina especially was well aware of what Donny was specifically capable of. Everyone may have known he destroyed Point B, but only Mina would have any clue as to how he accomplished it. Ezra might too. Donny would have to figure out how to deal with them, lest they create a counter for him specifically. After eating a few more snacks to calm his nerves Donny went to change. His hero costume was…. Very basic. Pretty much just cargo pants with a baggy shirt and some ankle boots. While it was somewhat trendy, it looked very plain. The main component of his costume was the black cloak that would cover his entire body, and most importantly, the white steel mask. It had very simply features just like the rest of his costume: just three holes, two for his eyes and one for his mouth. Of course there was a reason why his costume was so simple; once he assumes his true form, clothing was actually just going to hold him back. He specifically chose clothing that were easy for him to store inside of his body along with his meat bag. Just about everything but the mask was going to be put away. And even then Donny always carries a spare mask in his body. Hugging the cloak close around his body Donny felt oddly safe. He’s always had issues about his body and being able to cover up like this felt nice. He wondered if this is why Dulga always wore her cloak around herself. Shaking these thoughts away he headed to the armory class to pick up his communicator. Donny knew a bit about weapons and stuff, reading articles and watching videos online, but aside from video games and arcades he’s never really handled a weapon. Even his throwing arm could use some work. Still… If he was going to have to fight again, perhaps he should pick up some equipment to help him. Donny didn’t feel particularly comfortable taking weapons. He felt that he could do more harm than intended if he mishandles something even as simple as a collapsible baton (certainly ironic coming from the one who considers demolishing a building to be a perfectly valid tactic). But perhaps he could take some things that could protect him. Goggles firstly: remembering his fight with Mina, bright flashes of light blinding him really made it hard for him to land a hit on her. And while he could technically just use a different set of eyes on his body, wearing and looking through these goggles ought to help him deal with Mina and anyone else who intended to use bright lights or the sun’s reflection against him. It also served other purposes too; it had a function that let him see in the dark so he knew where he was going underground, and it protects his eyes from dust and water. Not that those things really mattered against Donny, but better to be safe than sorry. Another device he picked up was a bit more complex, but no less useful. It was a heart-beat radar. This would allow him to detect the heart beats of people around him in three dimensions, which will be extremely handy when dealing with stealthy people or while Donny was underground. Since he lacked a natural tremor sense, he usually just guesses where people are and tries to attack at random. This way he can be much more precise. When he activated it, he made a small chuckle as he noted that the same heart-beat radar did not detect him. [color=firebrick]”I guess I don’t have a heart after all.”[/color] Donny wasn’t really sure what else to get. He couldn’t get anything like landmines, even if they weren’t lethal, so he just grabbed some handcuffs. Since his combat strategy this time around is going to be “Dig underneath people and drag them underground”, he may need something to make sure they go down with him. He did ponder briefly the dangers of leaving the students underground with their hands bound unable to dig their way out, but Donny figured that he won’t leave them too deep underground. Hopefully. That being said as he was getting ready to leave he did have one thought. Many students would likely be getting weapons to help them this battle. While he was hoping that they would be careful, Donny didn’t like the idea of getting cut, stabbed, or beaten up. He wasn’t exactly use to it. Not to mention the possibility of being burnt alive or frozen solid. Considering that they were going to be using their quirks, it was a very real possibility. Fortunately, Donny found a solution: a specially woven sheet that can ward off blades, bullets, bludgeons, and insulate temperatures. It wasn’t meant to be used in combat per say, but for disaster relief. It could be used as a protective tarp covering, a blanket, or whatever other use a large sheet could be used for. It was very heavy but Donny felt it would be most important. [color=firebrick]”Yeah…. Gotta cover my weaknesses after all. Fire, ice, electricity, not good…”[/color] Donny said quietly. He wondered if he could get his cloak replaced with this material. Though he’ll need to increase his strength if he was going to do that. Once he had his things Donny went to find the rest of his team. He found Acion first. [color=firebrick]”H-H-Hi Acion.”[/color] [@Conscripts]