[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a3/5d/f3/a35df3b4a288454a9c43ceeab198b7f3.jpg[/img] Emily Steel 31|Shape Shifter ([url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DDkAE1eWsAAyLHp.jpg]Capuchin Monkey[/url]) - Seer Hybrid|Against The War|The Heart "I hope I never meet Death, he might feel a bit cheated." Additionally -Emily is very well traveled, she just recently returned home from three months spend in the Amazon rainforest. Which she loved and is planning to return to. She even traveled between brakes at the school while she was there. -Emily has at least four or five nieces and nephews running around. However she has no children of her own. -Emily has a very special type of visions. She can foresee her own death, a talent that she has learned to use to avoid her death instead. It is something she learned when she was ten and saved herself and family from being killed in a house fire. While she has other visions from time to time, they are blurry. [/center]