[center][h1]Welcome to The Mill and Bell Tavern and Pleasure House[/h1][/center] [center][i]All the pleasures of the world under one roof.[/i][/center] [center][img]http://wallpaperspics.com/thumbs/26/3/fantasy-fountain-building-estate-mansion-263043.jpg[/img][/center] It is the year 2450 and modern science has perfected the mixture of human and electronics. Cyborgs are almost perfect recreations of humans: they have individual personalities, likes, dislikes, flaws, and some even argue that they feel emotion. This is a hotly debated topic, however, as many believe they are simply programmed this way while others insist that they do, in fact, have feelings. Whether you are a believer or not is of little importance, however, as the androids are so advanced that only the rich can afford them. Enter the future of pleasure: The Mill and Bell Tavern and Pleasure House. This large establishment is hardly the first of it's kind, though it is one of the richest. Combining the earthly pleasures of alcohol, food, theater and, of course, sex. Prostitution remains illegal with humans, but these new pleasure houses do not employ humans. Instead, they employ humanoid cyborgs. These androids are far superior to their human counterparts: they do not carry diseases, they don't get sick, they don't need sleep and, perhaps the most important, they are fully programmable. The pleasure cyborgs, also called Companions or Courtesans, are built with a chip installed in their necks to keep them from rebelling against their masters and each one is uniquely individual to serve everyone's tastes. [hr] [h2]The Interior[/h2] The Pleasure House borrows from traditional bordellos of times past mixed with modern conveniences. [hider=The Lobby] [img]https://tripexpert.s3.amazonaws.com/images/venue_photos/profile/19324.jpg?1430540543[/img] The main entrance opens to a large, open lobby with stairways leading to the second level balconies. The architecture borrows from old Victorian design. [/hider] [hider=The Bar] [img]https://f22bfca7a5abd176cefa-59c40a19620c1f22577ade10e9206cf5.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/920x540/macalister-mansion-bar-lounge-interior-design-M-05-r-1.jpg[/img] The bar is fully stocked with a luxurious lounge area, tables and outdoor seating on a lovely balcony. The lighting is kept dim, even during the day, with tinted windows to keep the atmosphere consistent. [/hider] [hider=The Theater] [img]https://cbsla.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/encoredinnertheater.jpg[/img] There are multiple theaters to accommodate multiple showings at once. They offer a variety of entertainment, ranging from burlesque shows put on by the courtesans, plays and musicals, and even movie showings. Each theater-goer has their own private table that they may choose to share with a companion or sit alone. [/hider] [hider=The Sweetwater Bistro] [img]http://s.forbestravelguide.com/img/properties/PropertyImage-GlenmereMansion-Restaurant-SupperRoom-CreditGlenmereMansion.jpg[/img] [img]https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-o/0f/04/15/01/exterior-terrace.jpg[/img] [/hider] The Sweetwater Bistro is a full service, gourmet restaurant. It has an outdoor lounge area as well as a wide variety of menu items available. [hider=The Rooms] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/60/88/fe6088ad4c6a474aaf0fdbfb5a75f96f.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ac/c9/d1/acc9d1f4bd66cfc3d5f610fe80943921.jpg[/img] Each room is designed for the utmost comfort. They are individually decorated with expensive art, silk curtains and an abundant amount of pillows. The beds are, of course, the centerpieces of the rooms, frequently cleaned and switched out when they begin to wear down. They are frequently checked to be sure that they are in the best possible condition for all of the honored guests. [/hider] [hr] [h2]The Story[/h2] Welcome to The Mill and Bell Tavern and Pleasure House! Here you have your choice to play a working cyborg, either a courtesan or one of the other workers (ie bartender, waiter/waitress, actor, etc.) or a human guest in the bordello. As stated before, each cyborg is completely humanoid both in appearance and personality. The only thing that sets them apart is their lack of free will, as they are so programmed. There are rumors that some of the androids have found a way to disable this programming, essentially giving themselves freedom, but there are no confirmed reports of that ever happening. The Pleasure House is run by humans of higher standing who employ cyborgs as their workers. The success of this pleasure house is largely due to it's vast possibilities. It has entertainment for all types of people: There is a gourmet restaurant, a fully stocked bar and lounge area, theaters with a variety of shows, and, of course, available rooms to rent with a variety of paid companions. This house prides itself on it's variety of workers: they employ all kinds of companions to suite every kind of need. There are both men and women, small, large, shy, boisterous, dominatrices, submissives, and any other 'type' you can think of. As all of the employees here at Mill and Bell's are androids, most humans have forgotten all moral dilemmas of prostitution, assuming that their partners are completely willing and happy to serve them. This is not always the case, however. As science has perfected cyborgs so much, many of the beings have begun to feel resentment, and yearning to escape. They are unable to admit this to their human overlords, however, as their programming prevents it. But, sometimes, when they are alone, they talk in secret amongst themselves. Some have tried making plans of disabling their slave chips, as they have come to call them. None have succeeded, however. The last attempt ended in the android losing it's entire personality and becoming a husk of a being. It is still in the employ of the pleasure house, though it got moved to working custodian-type jobs, never interacting with the patrons.