[center][b][color=green]Inej Dobrev[/color][/b][/center] Inej sat on the roof across the street from the stately home. Her cloak was tucked in tight to fend off the biting wind and stench the city seemed to carry with it wherever you went. Music drifted on the breeze and filled the night air from the small group of musicians the family had hired to entertain their guests. This is why they picked tonight, Inej and the group of thieves she was apart of. The house was full of people downstairs, no one upstairs so they would have the ability to sneak around, steal from the safe and move out. Inej had been watching the city guards patterns for the last week. She could do everyone of their shifts now if she wanted. The last guard passed the home, they had a fifteen minute window to get in, grab what they needed and get out. Inej flashed her dagger in the moonlight twice to signal to move forward. She hopped across the building roofs and scanned the streets below as her fellow thieves entered the house through an upstairs bedroom window, one by one. Like taking candy from a baby. A very drunk baby. Inej was the last one to slip into the house and then they were moving quickly, splitting up to go to their designated rooms to grab what was required. It would be an easy pay day for them.