[b][center][color=green]Inej Dobrev[/color][/center][/b] The thieves Inej was with cursed. She stepped outside the room she was in and looked down the hall. Inej frowned, narrowing her eyes. The room the dogs were barking from was one she hadn't been able to clear, so they had agreed not to enter it. Apparently someone thought it would be safe and had disturbed the dogs and now wouldn't shut-up. There was a thumb and then the barking ceased. Her attention was drawn to the commotion on the stairs as people became alerted to the sudden stop of barking. "Time to go," she announced and stepped back into the room, hefting a bag over her shoulder. Whoever was climbing the stairs entered the hallway and she could hear doors opening and closing, her companions were moving to slow. The door opened and there was a series of shouting and alarm. Inej dropped her bag and removed the knives from their place around her waist in the back. As the knew people in the room advanced Inej backed up, hurrying her companions up while she bought them some time. She only threw one of her knives in the direction of the aristocratic people who either responded by ducking or shrieking and running out of the room. The woman smirked and twirled the other knife in her hand, waiting.