I'm looking to get into a few more RPs to stimulate my mind a bit more. I'll be updating this with more information as time goes on, so check back occasionally to see if something has changed. My main craving is something Dark Fantasy, like Berserk. I'm not really into romance plotlines, but if something stirs during the course of the story, that's fine. It will all fade to black if it comes to that. Personal preference. I am a 29 year old male and very happily married. I can play male and female roles, depending on the situation, and can handle multiple characters simultaneously. Normally, I post in the casual to advance range, but it's pretty fluid and subject to change. I'm looking for shorter post lengths, 1-2 paragraph range. Most of my posts will come in late at night, as that is when my free time falls. That does mean, however, that I can post most weekdays at about the same time. I'm of the mindset that quality is better than quantity, and sometimes you don't need six paragraphs to describe a scene. However, sometimes I've been known to get really engrossed in a scene or description and end up posting a text wall. What I'm saying is, post what you feel is adequate given the circumstances. I'm pretty much open to communication at any time, so feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas. PM is probably the easiest way to get my attention. I'll post some pairings and fandoms and whatnot. Lines with an asterisk notate something I have an idea/craving for. Genres: Dark Fantasy* Fantasy* Historical Fiction Science Fiction Horror Fandoms: Berserk RWBY Star Wars Monster Hunter* Diablo* Dark Souls* Goblin Slayer Pairings: Dragon Slayer x Dragon* Demon Hunter x Demon Slayer/Hunter x Mercenary Demon x Human Demon x Angel Nephalem x Demon/Angel Nephalem x Human [Hider=Story Hook] [Hider=Monster Hunter] An Unorthodox Quest Five fleets have been sent to the New World and the Guild is stretched thin. There is still plenty of work to do in the Old World, and one village in particular has a problem. Their resident hunter has gone rogue and started poaching outside of the Guild's designated quests. As a skilled high rank hunter, they pose a threat to the local ecosystem. The Guild has no choice but send another high rank hunter out to capture the rogue. The ecosystem is damaged, though, and not everything can go as planned. [/hider] [Hider=Dark Fantasy] Strugglers The world used to be normal, it used to make sense. But one day, three years ago, a ball of fire fell from the sky. In one night, the Capitol City was destroyed in a massive upheaval of rock and fire. The royal bloodline was gone, and the Kingdom was broken. Demonic beats poured from the crater and layed waste to the countryside, slaughtering everything in their path. They came in two forms, the mindless hordes of horrific demons that consumed flesh and bone with never-ending hunger. And the Demon Lords, who spoke human tongue and commanded the hordes, gaining power as their minions devoured the living. Humanity's only solace was the Sun. The Demons feared the light, seeking caves and cellers during the daylight hours. They could be killed, but there was a price. If one person slayed enough of the monsters, their soul became corrupted, and slowly they would accumulate the power sought by the Demon Lords. The power, while useless to humans, attracts the attention of lesser demons and Demon Lords alike. There are stories of some who have slain countless Demons and even killed Demon Lords, and those stories tell of the Hell those people live in night after night. [/hider] [/hider] Thanks for reading!