[quote=@NecroKnight] [@Vilageidiotx] 0_0. Humm. Checked this out - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population_in_1900 Jumping weasels on the back of a monkey. I think I might have to give Northern Nigeria (the more Islamic part) up - perhaps as a 'restored' region. And namely make due with Cameroon, Togoland and Southern Nigeria, also parts of France Gabon. Which...ohhh...boy. Will bring my population up already to 15 million. Yeah, I think - having a mandatory bread & circus + mandatory improvement of the local population a must. Especially, if I had done it without much homeland support. [/quote] The useful thing you'll have going for you is that the natives in your country won't necessarily belong to the same culture. [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Africa_ethnic_groups_1996.jpg]Here's a cultural map of Africa[/url] that might be useful (warning, it's big). Imma put this map in the Character Section 0th post where we have a lot of reference material stored up. Anyway, playing these groups against one another, perhaps favoring one or two in co-government with the Germans, will give you a boost. This was a common tactic among European colonizers. One of the most infamous examples being the Belgian use of the Tutsi's as co-rulers in Rwanda at the expense of the Hutu, which created the foundation for the Rwandan genocide later on in the nineties. Also, weird request, but since you plan on taking southern Nigeria, make use of Port Harcourt. I just say this because Port Harcourt was an important place during the original PoW and it's nice seeing the old haunts make a come back. Not as you capital of course, that'll be either Doala or Buea.