Humanity continues to advance. From the shores of Europe to the Coast of Japan, humans continue to live on, and with this living comes both advancements in the fields of society and technology. This unending progress is both humanity’s greatest strength, but also it's folly. However, not all is as it seems. Though the modern day has continued onwards in a predictable manner, the technology of man progressing, in its background are the forces of the Moonlit World battle in the twilight of Man, shadowed by a dusk interested in keeping such forces out of the minds of the contemporary man. To the east, in the state of Japan, there is a city by the name of Fuyuki. While its leylines can be called commendable, it is truly nothing altogether special; indeed, in the eyes of such individuals as the Lords of the Mage’s Association, it is little more than a magical backwater. The three families of magi who stand guard over its spiritual land are known as the Tohsaka, the Matou and the Einzbern. Regardless, they house a backwater tournament; The Holy Grail Wars. Reputable mages see it as a nothing worth their time, hardly anything to care about. However, even within this mostly unordinary tournament, there appears to be something … foreboding about it. Both the mage’s association and the church seem to be waiting for something. Could there be more to this battle than first meets the eye? The year is 2004, and It is an honor to announce that the Fifth War for the 726th Holy Grail has begun. --------------------------------------- If you clicked on this, you're presumably familiar with what this means. Welcome to Holy Grail War set within the Nasuverse/Fate series. While we will be working off of the mechanics of the Nasuverse, there's no need to be an expert on the topic, and I'm happy to help any of those with less familiarity with the franchise. That said, you should have at least some knowledge of the series, whether it be through Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, or even Fate/Grand Order. Familiarity with works by Type-Moon outside of the Fate/ series is useful but not as integral. This war will take place in Fuyuki, Japan in 2004. It's good to know that, due to certain circumstances of the war, the usual cap of seven Servants and Masters has been lifted. We will begin with a functional cap of two Servants per class (ie two Sabers, two Archers, and so on) to ensure that there's some balance, though. In the unlikely scenario that we get a huge amount of applicants, though, this will change. These Servants, similar to within the confines of Fate/Apocrypha, will be denoted by a color of their given group. Ie Saber of Red, Archer of Black, Etc. I'll put CSs up as well as some general guidelines and such if there's enough interest. If you have any additional questions, please let me know~! ------------------------------------------ Rules: [hider=General] Respect other people's opinions because at the end of the day they are merely opinions. Though I would like to see a competitive side to those involved in the roleplay, at the end of the day it is a roleplay and most people likely joined to have fun. Shitslinging is entertaining, but I doubt that people would want to fight over trivial things. I will do my best to arbitrate these conflicts. No godmodding, autohitting or being a generally bad roleplayer. Every action needs a reaction and vice versa, even if the situation seems grim. Everyone deserves a shot to make a case, after all~. In addition to this, only post with the knowledge that your character knows within the in character tab; metagaming is pretty lame and I would prefer it if we would avoid this at any cost. No being rude OOC. Characters may be rude to other characters. That is something that could occur. In addition, OOC feuds, if they should arise, should have their best to not make their way into the IC and vice versa. Note that this is a battle. People will die, especially when they are killed. There will be a hard limit of two servants and two masters per player at any given time, and it is expected that one is to create a servant per master and vice versa, as to not have an excess during pairings. In the event a Master or Servant is to be killed, as this is a war, it is possible to app another Master or Servant respectively. I would not suggest the recently apped character to have a vendetta against the character who had killed your character though, as that tends to be lame, unless consent is given by the owner of said character you wish to vendetta. There can be many summonings within the roleplay, and a Master could potentially summon more Servants in the event his is to bite the dust, and a Servant, in the event there is an open Master laying about when his Master is to die, they could also form a contract. One could not possibly have more than a single Servant at any given time. Resummoning a Servant will take a Command Seal, and one can only have three, unless it is given to them or they have a magecraft that would allow for such a feat. Your posts are entirely based on your character's perspective. Your character may be wrong; however, it is up to subsequent posters to correct you if you are wrong. You can write in your post that you have knowledge of a magecraft your character clearly doesn’t, but that doesn’t mean you actually used said magecraft in the grand scheme of the roleplay. [/hider] [hider=Combat]: Battles have a “turn system” where individuals in the battle must all have made a post before the battle can proceed. Individuals who do not post within a two day period of the previous post will have their turn forfeit and the fight to continue, though I do warn you about the potential dangers of sitting in the middle of a fight against a Magus and a Servant with your thumbs twiddled behind your back. This is mostly circumstantial. If a legitimate reason for absence is presented, I shall consider extending the time as needed, or GM ruling certain situations. But do not be afraid to request leave. Personal business happens. We are all human, after all~. No alliances with characters you control, nor may you have a Servant who you control be under a Master you control. In addition to this, a character cannot take an item from a character you control, even if they have died. Things such as Military Tactics will have their amplifiers taken into account when against something of equal rank. As an example, this means Iskander's Military Tactics won't help him beat Excalibur, but it will help him beat Bellerophon. Servant stats and skills are adjusted according to the Master. A ginger-haired kid with no knowledge of magecraft and a bunch of fake circuits will bring even the most reputable of servants down a peg, whereas a well-bred magus can bring out the best in a Servant. [/hider] [hider=Servants] Canon Servants are allowed. Some Canon Servants are not allowed due to either 1) fundamentally breaking the grail war (Gilgamesh) or 2) Not eligible for summoning unless the world is ending (A lot of Servants from GO). If you have a question as to if a canon Servant is allowed, please message me or whoever is the sad sack that I may or may not appoint as a mod. Non-Canon Servants must be approved by a moderator or administrator before placing them in the accepted thread. In addition to this, Canon servants will be limited to two noble phantasms for the most part, though it is uncommon for a Servant to have more than a single noble phantasm. It's also worth noting that we're sticking to the standard seven Classes, so no Shielders or Gunners or whatever. There might be unorthodox NPC Servants though~. [/hider] [hider=Masters] Masters must be approved before submission via posting it in the OOC with an @ for myself and all moderators. Though canon individuals from the Nasuverse will be allowed, all masters must not exceed the power of Ciel in terms of combat for simple balancing. Also no guns allowed. Entering the war, unless someone apps a magus with a very strong lineage or something, in which case such a Master's profile is public knowledge, Masters will not know each others' identities. I will inform you if your application will be such a "Known" Master. Master's Clairvoyance can be used to get a Servant's information. Looking at them with it active is enough to get their parameters. Knowing their class gets you Class Skills. You get Personal Skills by seeing them in action or being told about it, and the same is true for active Noble Phantasms. For passive Noble Phantasms, you generally need to have all of a Servant's Personal Skills' information and also have seen the passive effect of, but this will be determined on a case-by-case basis. When you have a Noble Phantasm's full information, you acquire the Servant's name as well. If you have the Servant's name, whether deducing it through the above or through being directly told it, then you get the information of their full profile. [hider=General Magecraft] The basics that anyone with a well-rounded education ought to know, unless they weren't paying attention in class or something. Including "General Magecraft" in the magecraft section means they get all of this. If not, they don't. Magecraft Shields: Varying forms of protection; however, one’s senses are raised. Eg, protection against suffocation will increase sense of smell, and protection from blindness will make your eyes water. Nightvision: Self-explanatory. Basic Familiar Creation: Creation of familiars. These are basic, so they cannot employ speech, magecraft, or combat ability. Formalcraft: Using catalysts and magic circles to perform rituals. The bare minimum. Basic Suggestion: Suggestion using the eyes to make magical energy flow into the target's body. This magical energy is stagnant. Basic Bounded Fields: Creation of a Bounded Field that confers intruder alert, soundproofing, and control of the mana in its area. Basic Bounded Field Removal: Removal of Bounded Fields that confer intruder alert, soundproofing, and control of the mana in its area. Locking Doors: Self-explanatory. Threads of Consciousness: Using one’s consciousness for scouting. Basic magus detection magecraft. Floating: Basic manipulation of mass and air currents. Transfer of Consciousness: Transferring one’s consciousness to a familiar, ergo seeing through their eyes. Basic Clairvoyance: "X-Ray" vision and operation of a crystal ball. Fixing Glass: Repairs broken glass, providing it was broken up to a couple of hours prior to the spell's use. Mystic Pass: Self-Explanatory. Contracting: Making a contract with something. Curse of Self-Healing: Healing magecraft. Works by stimulating the cells and making them regenerate faster than normal. It is possible set as a program that activates when one is unconscious; however, it then becomes impossible to control how much prana is used. [/hider] [hider=Spell Length [/hider] -Normal talking is treated as a free action. -Single Action: E -One Count and Two Count: D -Three to Five Count: C -Six to Nine Count: B -Ten Count and Above: A -A Five Count will beat a Three Count. However, a C rank attack will nullify either. -It’s good to remember that for the purposes of time, two Single Actions take the same amount of time as a One Count. -Talking to activate a Command Seal or Noble Phantasm is treated as taking time equivalent to a One Count to activate. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Banned] Do not app any of the following. I've included the reasons for each, for clarity's sake: Masters Canon Masters: The history of this world is not what you know it as. Ask for explicit permission before using them if you really want to. Anyone Ciel-tier or Above in Combat: Balancing Servants Gilgamesh: Balancing. "Pre-Gilgamesh" heroes: They can't exist. Individuals born after 1899: Not eligible. Individuals still alive today in their mythology (Merlin, Hanuman, etc): Not eligible. Individuals without human blood: Largely not eligible. (Exceptions can potentially be made on a case-by-case basis) Canon Servants that we do not have full information for (ie, most of the Grand Order and Strange Fake cast): Obvious. Patriot Heroic Spirits (Koha-Ace): Obvious. Servants that are functionally just clones of canon Servants: Just app the canon, then, baka. Nursery Rhyme: Balancing. Lugh: Balancing. Imperial Privilege: It is bad and I hate it. Nero could be considered, however. Any Herc besides Berserker: Balancing. True Demons, Aliens, Eastern Dragons, Bodhisattvas, True Magicians, Holy Children, Etc: Balancing. [/hider] ------------ Below you can find the character sheets. If you want to follow a different format per se than the character sheet (for instance, the "Keywords/Skills/Setting" matrix style from EXTRA), feel free so long as it contains all the information I've asked for. [hider=Master Character Sheet] Name/Title: Gender: Don't be difficult. Age: Personality: Appearance: Biography: Family History (if applicable): If the character comes from a magus family with a notable history, jot it down here. Origin: The basis of your existence. Shirou Emiya's Origin of "Sword" and Souren Araya's Origin of "Stillness" are examples. Elemental Affinity: Dual elements and Average Ones are fine, but rare. If your Elemental Affinity is not one of the Great Five Elements, your origin and element should be the same. Number of Magic Circuits: E-A. No modifiers. Quality of Magic Circuits: The amount of magical energy each single circuit can sustain. E-A. No modifiers. Od: How much magical energy you can store in your body. E-A. No modifiers. Magecraft: You can put systems, magecrafts, magecraft-related abilities like High Speed Aria, Magic Crest characteristics, family attributes, and individual spells in here. If something isn't here, it's assumed your magus doesn't know it. Literally everything should go here. The exception is that it is, however, assumed that anyone with a proper magus education (ie the Clock Tower or from a magus family) will know the basics such as fixing glass, locking doors, and so on that we're aware of in canon. Equipment: Mystic Codes as well as mundane stuff. Everything they walk into the RP with. Unless you're really rich with an illustrious family backing you, you shouldn't have tons of Mystic Codes. Skills: Cooking, stabbing, video games, whatever. If it isn't here and isn't something 99% of the global population can do (eg, breathing), then your character does not know it. [/hider] [hider=Servant Character Sheet] Name: Class: Gender: Appearance: Alignment: Personality: History: Mainly for flavor or to clarify how your version of them lived in the case of conflicting legends. Optional if everything in their history that you're using is on a wikipedia page or something. Weapon: Whatever they're summoned with. This should include things like Medusa's pegasus that they can innately summon as well. Parameters: STR: Damage. A rank STR means one attack can destroy a small house. CON: Damage one can take. How much HP one has. AGI: Dexterity or reaction time. MGI: How much prana one can handle. LCK: Ability to defy fate. Class Skills: For all skills your class has. Please do not just put name and rank. Give an explanation of what it does. Personal Skills: Certain abilities a Heroic Spirit may have, such as Charisma, Artistic Talent, etc. Keep close to the legend; modifiers are temporary rank ups, not a rating of how good it is. Limit of three. Noble Phantasm(s): Limit of one. Two if you’re incredibly persuasive. Name: Title: Stuff like Excalibur's "Sword of Promised Victory", the kanji. Rank: E-EX. Plus modifiers are possible, but specify if they're temporary rank ups, or an indication of raw power. NP Type: Anti-Unit, Anti-Army, Anti-Fortress, Anti-Mind, Anti-Evil, Anti-Gate, Anti-World, Anti-Team, Anti-Divine, Barrier Range: 1 is minimum, 99 is maximum. Format is usually something like 2-50, that's Via Expugnatio and Bellerophon's range. That means Via Expugnatio cannot attack you if your range is 1 from it. Maximum Number of Targets: 1 to 1000. The format is usually a single number. This may get weird depending on your classification. Description: What it does. [/hider]