[hr][centre][color=yellow][h1][b]NIesha[/b][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/04/0b/24/040b24448d684a23925dbde97988dcd6.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Location[/b]: Funeral Home[/color][/centre] [hr][hr] The building creaking sent spikes of fear through Niesha, churning in her belly, and making her antsy to get going, to get out of there. To get back to Newman. As Riley spoke, she looked to Chloe’s body. She didn’t think that Chloe would be one to kill herself, but who knew anything these days? Had she been seeing things, too? Ravi had been… Niesha shuddered at the memory of her own experiences… What was going on? What was messing with them? Or was it just the… way of life now? Some sort of side effect of whatever caused them to come back after they died? She shook her head, turning her thoughts away from that Mystery. She’d have time later to ponder that. Right now, she had to focus on surviving. On at least… at least not being the only one alive again. [i]Kristina… [/i]. She had to be alive, didn’t she? And what about Tati? She’d promised to be her midwife… Even though that terrified her, the thought of not being able to do it terrified her even more. [i]Please be alive… [/i]. The creaking of her building penetrated her thoughts once more, and she gripped her flashlight tighter, letting out a shaky breath, and pulling herself together once more. She followed Riley down the stairs, and shifting the flashlight, tucking it under one arm for a moment, she retrieved her bow, holding it in one hand, ready just in case of walkers. She took the flashlight in hand again, and nodded, content for the moment to let Riley lead. She’d just concentrate on keeping them alive. She hurried out the doors, after Riley, shoving the flashlight in her pack as she did so, stopping at the sign of smoke. [i]No… [/i] Ravi’s words chilled her, and she became aware of a slight whining noise, high pitched, that she recognised came from her after a moment. She tried to pull herself together, looking towards the smoke, towards Newman. [color=yellow]”Kristina… Tati…. Victor…. If there’s even a chance that they’re alive, I have to be there”[/color] She said softly, her voice shaking with her emotion. She knew she couldn’t ask Riley and Ravi to go with her. [color=yellow]”can’t we see if there’s away in, please? At the very least see if there’s any supplies that we can find… “[/color] if they couldn’t get in… then that would be that and she’d just have to hope they’d find other survivors along the way. [color=yellow]”other few hours to catch up with the others won’t delay us much- and they might be stalled by the earthquake anyway… “[/color] especially with aftershocks, [color=yellow]”in any case, let’s get away before things collapse”[/color]