[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/da/0c/d5/da0cd5412af062332efc6d1447c03d4a.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Ryuuji Minamoto [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 [u][b]Year:[/b][/u] First-year [u][b]Rank:[/b][/u] C [u][b]Faction/club:[/b][/u] None [u][b]Power:[/b][/u] [u]Memory Immersion-[/u] Making skin-to-skin contact with Ryuuji results in a transfer of the memory strongest in an individual's mind at the time. Whose memory is transferred depends on who initiates contact; if Ryuuji initiated contact then his memory is transferred; if the other individual initiated contact then their memory is transferred; if the contact is the result of an accident then the transfer is two-way. Once the memory has been transferred the "receiver" undergoes the same emotions and pain the "sender" did in the span of less than a second. Either way the process takes a small toll on Ryuuji's brain, and transferring more emotional/painful memories tends to take a lot out of him. One side-effect to stronger memories is something that's been dubbed "emotional bleed" where the receiver begins feeling the sender's emotions in the memories (such as anger). If the emotional bleed is strong enough the receiver can react in ways they can't control. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Ryuuji lost his parents at a young age and was adopted by his grandfather and it was discovered shortly after that he possessed a weak psychic ability. Utilizing old contacts in both the military and school systems Ryuuji's grandfather made him undergo experiments to forcibly strengthen his psychic ability. However his grandfather ultimately deemed him a failure, finding his grandson's ability "less than useful". To say this upset Ryuuji was an understatement and in retaliation he put his grandfather through some of his most painful memories, both physical and emotional. The emotional stress of it all caused a heart attack, killing Ryuuji's grandfather. Since then he has been a ward of the state; while he doesn't wish to fight unless necessary his powers mean that a school like Tatakai is absolutely necessary. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] - Wields a [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/16a6/f/2013/162/a/4/kira_s_scythe__fantasy_weapon__by_zacko86-d68mlc2.jpg]scythe[/url] in combat, and is quite proficient with it. - Due to everything he's went through Ryuuji can withstand a considerable amount of physical and mental pain before it can become incapacitating. - For the most part he's needed to live in his own dorm. In addition to this Ryuuji also needs to wear gloves whenever others are around; the only exception to this is during fights, where he can use his ability to his advantage by providing a brief window to attack, defend, or retreat via memory immersion.