[hider=Warlord of All Vikings - King of Danes][center] Name: Ragnar Lothbrok Class: Berserker Gender: Male [color=CD853F][b]Armor[/b][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zD11W4T.jpg[/img] [color=CD853F][b]No Armor[/b][/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6d/0b/69/6d0b69cf934b477fd85441a8b8922fe9--ragnar-lothbrok-vikings-vikings-tv.jpg[/img] Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Personality: A man who loves war, only for the benefit of his people and for the glory ahead. Ragnar Lothbrok is the King of Vikings, he has lead them to countless, merciless raids to the West and no death has ever fazed him. He is ruthless, and will do anything to protect him, his allies and his Master without question. He is a known expert of war, and will apply Guerrilla tactics almost all the time or perhaps something more bizarre entirely. However, despite being summoned as a Berserker, he does not show signs of insanity and can hold a conversation with basic to intermediate level of speaking. History: Ragnar was born and raised in the lands near Kattegat, in southern Norway, and earned a reputation as a clever boy. When Ragnar was 15, King Froh of Svealand invaded Norway and killed the Norweigan King Siward. Ragnar joined with Siward-loyalists to drive out Froh. King Froh was famous for carrying tame serpents around his neck in battle whom would bite his enemies while he fought them. For the purpose of fighting Froh, Ragnar fashioned a coat and breeches from a hairy animalhide. In the battle that followed, Ragnar faced off with Froh and the serpents could not bite through the hide for all the hair. Because of his unusual way of defeating the king at such an early age, Ragnar earned his name "Lothbrok", the hairybreeches. At one point, Ragnar went to Lagertha's home to confess his love to her, but he was set upon by a bear and an enormous hound who guarded her home. Ragnar killed the bear with his spear and strangled the hound with his bare hands, thus gaining Lagertha's hand in marriage. Ragnar is believed to have been the scourge of both early medieval England and France, raiding the Anglian kingdoms of Northumbria and Wessex on many occasions, along with the Kingdom of West Francia, concluding in the siege of Paris in 845. Furthermore, he is also thought to have been married three times: first to shield-maiden Lagertha, second to the noblewoman Þóra Borgarhjǫrtr, and last but not least to Princess Aslaug. Ragnar’s existence can also be proved through his many sons (all historical figures); Ivar the Boneless, Björn Ironside, Halfdan Ragnarsson, Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye, and Ubba; the Norse chieftains who would eventually lead the Great Heathen Army that would invade England, controlling and constituting it as a unified medieval state from 865 to 878, after which the Danelaw was created (a territory under Danish influence and rule in early medieval Britain). Ragnar’s sons invaded England to avenge their father’s murder at the hands of King Ælla of Northumbria, who, according to legend, seized Ragnar at some point and decided to sentence him to death by casting him into a pit full of snakes. Weapon: One-handed axes, two-handed axe, greatsword, large spear, buckler, armor, a warhorn and a Viking's banner. Parameters: STR: A CON: A AGI: C MGI: E LCK: D Class Skills: [color=CD853F][b]Mad Enhancement (-)[/b][/color] - Ragnar has a different substitute for Mad Enhancement and is therefore sealed away. Personal Skills: [color=CD853F][b]Charisma (Rank B)[/b][/color] - Being the leader of an entire Viking invasion force. Ragnar's command of his military is extremely high. Giving off a modifier boost to any who aspires him a leader. [color=CD853F][b]Military Tactics (Rank B)[/b][/color] - Ragnar was known to cause confusion on the battlefield with his blitzkreig tactics when attacking the French and British Lands a long time ago. He also once attacked a town off their guard while praying in their churches. [color=CD853F][b]Battle Continuation (Rank B)[/b][/color] - His past battles gained him a skill that allows him to continue fighting on. However major injuries tend to slow him down and hasten his time of death. [color=CD853F][b]Nordic Rage (Rank B)[/b][/color] - A substitute for Ragnar's Madness Enhancement. Ragnar is known to be enraged when found in a dangerous situation. This allows him to gain a temporary plus modifier to his endurance and strength and would lose most of his sanity trying to kill people who he thinks is a danger to him and his Master's survival. Noble Phantasm(s) Name: [color=CD853F][b]The Great Heathen Army - Total Invasion[/b][/color] Rank: C NP Type: Anti-Army Range: 50 Maximum Number of Targets: 1~1000 Description: Ragnar blows his warhorn and plants the banner on the ground, creating a misty gateway that calls his once great army that invaded the West in the 9th Century. Each and everyone of his Vikings are lesser spirits that fought under his command and all they think about is following their bannerlord and causing havoc for their faction.[/center][/hider] [@ADamnFiddle] [@Over Illusion] Done