Traveller looked at Rosa for a moment, his gaze expressionless. "I assumed that you would not aide me when you said it was an issue for me. I see that is not the case. Thank you." With her help Traveller decided he might actually leave the caravan with supplies, although with the way Rosa was moving, he wouldn't have time to hear about the way of life for desert caravans. Rosa was right about stalling, though. He could feel the power of the Lich. It was like a dam was breaking. . . the dam would only crumble more as time went on, further letting out more of the Lich's power. Voph's straightforward logic was appreciated. What he said sounded solid and he said it in a confident way. Confidence meant a lot in a person as long as they knew some bounds. Traveller's green eyes shifted to Voph as Rosa addressed him. Rosa was definitely laying it down for Voph. She seemed to be a very cautious person, a person who stood out from the average sword-swinging hero. It made Traveller wondered if she attained those scars from the mistakes of others. Of course, the caution could also be a case of having a strong sense of survival. He motioned to the caravan, "alright, let's go." With that, he started walking toward the desert caravan.