I'll be watching all of you eagerly, for, see, like in the old days where no entry escaped the wrath of the critical top hat reviewer, I'll be reviewing every single entry that gets accepted in this WOTM. Tell your friends, tell your family, then do your best, because I will do my best to pick apart every single tiny flaw I can find for the benefit of the author in becoming a better writer. ... Best of luck, ladies and gentlemen of WOTM. Consider it a reward if I don't find a critical plot hole or otherwise. [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jpTh66uaDVs/UaQlRJL8zxI/AAAAAAAACI0/fWM066k9DH8/s1600/Ratatouille-2007A-restaurant-critic-is-transported-back-to-childhoodOf-all-the-movies-about-chefs-and-restaurants-it-is-curiously-this-animated-feature-about-a-gastronomically-gifted-rat-which-many-cooks-regard-as-the-only-one.jpg[/img]