[@Morose] Character one is up Mariana will be up later this evening let me know if she needs any changing. [hider=Jessica Pearson] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=yellow][center]Jessica Pearson[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://www.cinemascomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/daisy-ridley-hot-3.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=yellow][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=yellow]Name:[/color][/b] Jessica Eliza Pearson [b][color=yellow]Aliases:[/color][/b] Jess, Jessie [b][color=yellow]Age:[/color][/b] 27 [b][color=yellow]Birthday:[/color][/b] August 1st, 1989 [b][color=yellow]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Caucasian [b][color=yellow]Birth Place:[/color][/b] Olympia, Washington [b][color=yellow]Residence:[/color][/b] Small Apartment in Clear Water Florida [b][color=yellow]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=yellow]Major/Minor:[/color][/b] Veterinary Science Major, Minor in Biology [b][color=yellow]Occupation:[/color][/b] Veterinarian [b][color=yellow]Languages:[/color][/b] English, [url=http://supernatural.wikia.com/wiki/Enochian_Language]Enochian[/url] [hr][center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/0f08c6eb6594fd0aa1a57f3bfdc74a6e/tumblr_inline_o8dawdnbwJ1rifr4k_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=yellow][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=yellow]Height:[/color][/b] 5'7 [b][color=yellow]Weight:[/color][/b] 143lbs [b][color=yellow]Build:[/color][/b] Slender [b][color=yellow]Eyes:[/color][/b] Hazel [b][color=yellow]Hair:[/color][/b] Dark Brown [b][color=yellow]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Light [b][color=yellow]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] No scars or tattoos to speak of, she has both of her ears pierced however. [b][color=yellow]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Jessica's style when she isn't working on her job usually consists of dresses, and blouses, the colors usually vary from the bright and colorful to dark colors like brown, grey and black along with either sandals or high heels. During the colder months of the year her style changes to wearing jackets, hoodies and pairs of jeans. Her shoes change to either boots or sneakers depending on what she prefers wearing during the day. Jessica tends to have her hair either straight, wavy or curled but will rarely ever cut it shorter then over her shoulders. [hr][center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FlimsySadCurassow-max-1mb.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=yellow][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=6ecff6][center][color=00a651]Protective[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Loner[/color] * [color=00a651]Alert[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Strong Willed[/color] * [color=00a651]Very Smart[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Suspicious[/color][/center][/color][/i] [b][color=yellow]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Bisexual [b][color=yellow]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=yellow]Personality:[/color][/b] Jessica tends to be more of a loner and suspicious of people that she doesn't know, and will usually keep to herself. Jessica tends to work on her own, she does however have a very caring side to her and will help those that she manages to get close to. Most of the time she does tend to be shy and usually just focuses more on her work tending to the animals that she is assigned to at the vet clinic. Though she has been known to open up to those that are her friends and family more and will go to them if needed. Jessica is also a very secretive person and has kept her heritage to herself and those that are in her family that know her as a Nephilim, she wont ever reveal it to anyone. She does sometimes use her abilities to heal the animals that she tends to if they are in a lot of pain, and sometimes people if she sees someone homeless will do whatever it takes to help them and then goes back off to her other duties. [b][color=yellow]Habits:[/color][/b] Whenever Jessica is nervous she tends to play or tug at her hair, or bites at her nails. When she is bored Jessica will turn to look over at other things and tends to get easily distracted. [b][color=yellow]Hobbies:[/color][/b] At least 1 [b][color=yellow]Fears:[/color][/b][list][*] Hunters [*] Angels [*] Demons[/list] [b][color=yellow]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Animals [*] Kids [*] Music [*] Video gaming [*] Dancing [*] Cooking[/list] [b][color=yellow]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Loud cars [*] Country music [*] Violence [*] Demons [*] Angels [*] Hunters[/list] [hr][center][img]https://images.hellogiggles.com/uploads/2016/06/30091849/Wg7Secq-Imgur.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=yellow][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=yellow]General World Skills:[/color][/b] [list][*] Angel Lore [*] Demon Lore [*] Nephilim Lore [*] Biology [*] Animal physiology [*] Cooking [*] Dancing [*] Writing [*] Research [/list] [b][color=yellow]Combat Skills:[/color][/b] [list][*] Acrobatics [*] Driving [*] Sigils [*] Warding [*] Knives [/list] [b][color=yellow]What Is On Your Person:[/color][/b] [list][*] Clothing - [url=http://s7d9.scene7.com/is/image/NewYorkCompany/productlist2/7th-Avenue-Pleated-Halter-Blouse_01413612_769.jpg]Red Blouse[/url], [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ab/1f/46/ab1f466caaf0685d90dd78e9a03613fe--burgundy-skater-skirt-maroon-skirt.jpg]Burgandy Skirt[/url], [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a4/b6/0d/a4b60d13e97400713c88527bac839402.jpg]High Heels[/url] [*] Purse/Wallet - 125 dollars, makeup, credit card, debit card, picture of her real mother. [*] Car keys [*] [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71XGGSJZdLL._UL1500_.jpg]Purse[/url] [*] [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61zUP4JiKeL._SY355_.jpg]butterfly knife[/url] [/list] [b][color=yellow]Residence:[/color][/b] [list][*] [url=http://st.motortrend.com/uploads/sites/10/2016/05/2016-buick-cascada-premium-convertible-angular-front.png]2016 Silver Buick Cascada[/url] [*] Angel Lore Books [*] Demon Lore Books [*] Nephilim Lore Books [*] Spare Clothes [*] Laptop Computer [*] Fridge [*] [url=http://nolongerwild.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/mini-husky-puppy-2.jpg]Husky Puppy named Danny[/url] [*] Dog food [*] Food [*] Books [/list] [hr][center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/289a07f6e6f870fdf318c15960fb3a8b/tumblr_omgmfxNSdm1s392ayo4_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=yellow][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=yellow]First Necromantic Encounter:[/color][/b] Jessica had her first encounter when she turned fifteen years old, she was living with her uncle and aunt at the time. They both were out for the entire day when a stranger came into her house, who claimed to be her father. She at first was skeptical of him, but she heard him out Jessica growing up had noticed odd things such as her injuries healing very quickly. And if she touched someone who was injured they would heal quickly. And she would also hear strange voices that only she could understand. Jessica had known about her mother as well before she died during child birth from her aunt and uncle but not much on her actual father. He told her of her origins and that she would always be hunted as well, and to always be aware of those around her as well as hunters and demons who might be after her. [b][color=yellow]Life Before the Altsoba Massacre:[/color][/b] Jessica was born in Olympia Washington, but when she was born her mother had died during childbirth. Since that day Jessica was taken in by her aunt and uncle and they both raised her like they were her own daughter. Jessica grew up with her cousins as well being the youngest though she did find odd things about herself while growing up, such as hearing voices that only she could hear. But she kept that all to herself and noticed more weird things as well growing up such as her injuries healed a lot quicker as well as touching those who were either sick or injured they were healed as well. When she turned fifteen years old a man entered her home and claimed to be her real father telling her what she actually was, and also to warn her that those around her could be in danger. Jessica however did believe what he said was true about her, and since that day she spent a lot of time researching and finding more about what she was as well as about demons and angels. When Jessica was old enough she moved out and went to college to become a vet tech, eventually she graduated and moved to Clearwater Florida and has been there ever since. When the Altsoba Massacre started she could hear the angels talking, and decided to do whatever she could do to ward up her apartment to make sure that nothing would try and get to her. [b][color=yellow]Life Since the Altsoba Massacre:[/color][/b] Since the Altsoba Massacre Jessica has been pretty weary of what has been going on, and has kept to herself and a low profile as well. Jessica has also been very weary of O.M.E.N. as well she will go out with some friends occasionally and then go back home after work. She does tune into Angel Radio from time to time and also keeps herself informed however she can. [hr][center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/NextDiligentGosling-max-1mb.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=yellow][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=yellow]Character Quote:[/color][/b] "I've always tried to keep a low profile on myself and not draw any attention. [b][color=yellow]Deviances:[/color][/b] All the perks and weaknesses of being a Nephilim. [b][color=yellow]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMw7YP4aPR0]Courage - Orianthi Ft. Lacey - Believe[/url] [b][color=yellow]Anything Else:[/color][/b] The Shining & [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4554417]Paradox[/url] [sub][color=ed1c24]*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.[/color][/sub][/hider]