[@catchamber] It does benefit everyone. And while I agree, it's still a victory. The first article is solely a guy whose the fucking head of a bottled water company, just saying a bogus claim about we'll run out of fresh water before oil. Hahahaha. Yeah, no. The bottle water industry is one that can die off and I'd feel no guilt. The 2nd article is about the UN...did I miss something here? The UN is useless and outright sucks (and is a government creation.) And technology and innovation has made our water cleaner than ever. The idea we're running out of water (especially due to anyone particular person or corporation to blame) is absurd. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-water/2012/04/06/gIQAS6EB0S_story.html?utm_term=.bf38fdba4ae2 [hider= (Eat your heart out, Ceo Of Nestle)] 2. Bottled water is better than tap water. Tap water in the United States is among the safest in the world. And it is much more closely monitored than bottled water. Cities must test their water every few hours and report any safety issue within 48 hours. Bottled-water companies are required to test their water only once a week, and they are not required to report problems. [/hider]