Name: [color=0054a6]Mikaela Smoak[/color] [hider=Ebba Zingmark FC] [img][/img] [/hider] Nicknames: Miki, KayKay, Makaykay, Smoak, Blondie. Age: 21 Gender: Female Species: Human Occupation: Engineer Appearance: Mikaela clocks in at one-hundred thirty-eight pounds and five-feet six inches tall. She has shoulder length blonde hair and light blue eyes. Usually is seen in uniform, even in casual settings. Personality: Shy but friendly. Ingenious. Happy-go-lucky. Stubborn. History: Led, something led lined or made from led was her only option. Thank god for the tool chest in the engineering bay being led lined. She hurriedly emptied it out and crawled inside it, closing it and waiting for the storm to pass. She thought she was alone, and she was afraid. Somehow the storm had sealed her inside, her only hope was a survivor breaking her loose but if not she'd suffocate and die. Shortly after passing out from lack of oxygen, she awoke in the med-bay....surprised but relieved to be alive. Other things you want us to know about your character: Mikaela is a very friendly but shy person. She's also great at thinking outside the box, but rarely speaks up as she doesn't want to be a bother and/or because she assumes her ideas are not that good. She's also sort of scary when she's angered, her yell is like nails on a chalkboard hooked up to a sound amplifier.