[hider=Dixie][hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/typewriter-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171223/138a435ca3651b6fd3d84e459e14fe6b.png[/img][/url][hr] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ef2f3cd8-b3f4-45b2-928e-bc253fe0082a.jpg[/img][hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/typewriter-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171223/3f1831ab07943869ed6fbe0bb2c995ea.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] [color=CFA115][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/color] Inspector Boudreaux, Dixie Christian Jean [color=CFA115][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u][/color] Female [color=CFA115][u][b]Age:[/b][/u][/color] 26 [color=CFA115][u][b]Ethnicity:[/b][/u][/color] French [color=CFA115][u][b]Appearance Description:[/b][/u][/color] Dixie is an athletic young woman who engages in regular exersise and stretching [List] [*]Weight- 64.4 kilo [*]Height- 1.7 meters [*]Eyes- Bronze Green [*]Hair- Dark Alburn shoulder lenght [*]Distinguishing features- Pale alabastor skin with freckled cheeks Bullet wound left thigh outside 5.6 cm Faint knife scar 17.8 cm inside left forearm Stab wound 9.4 cm right vertebrochondral ribs 9-8[/list] [color=CFA115][u][b]Birthplace:[/b][/u][/color] Le Boreal-76.887153, 168.502962 Antarctica [color=CFA115][u][b]Former Life:[/b][/u][/color] Interpol Inspector [color=CFA115][u][b]Gear:[/b][/u][/color] [list] [*]2-[url=https://ii.cheaperthandirt.com/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi?FIF=/images/cheaperthandirt/source/20-swbat21h_1.tif&wid=575&cvt=jpeg]Collapsible Baton[/url] [*]2-[url=https://cdn.thehomesecuritysuperstore-img1.com/content/product/large/10034A.jpg]Collapsible Tonfa[/url] [*]1-[url=http://modernfirearms.net/userfiles/images/handguns/france/hg89/1287749841.jpg]MAB PA-15 9mm[/url] [*]31- 9mmx19 parabellum in two full clips and three empty 15 round clips. [*]1-[url=https://www.ppss-group.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/cvv2.png]Consealed Vest[/url] [*]1-Trench Coat [*]1-Overnight Backpack with three changes of clothes [*]1-[url=https://www.rockyboots.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-Master-Product-catalog-en/default/dw9370e858/images/FQ0004524_EXTRALARGE.jpg]Pair Gore Tex Leather boots[/url] [*]1-[url=https://satphones.eu/3-thickbox_default/iridium-9555-portable-satellite-telephone.jpg]Satphone[/url][/list] [color=CFA115][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u][/color] Pre. [list] [*]Criminology [*]Forensics [*]Savate (Master's level) [*]Firearms (light) [*]Parkour[/list] Post [list] [*]Offensive Driving [*]Stealth [*]Concealment [*]Barricading [*]Traps[/list] [color=CFA115][u][b]Likes[/b][/u][/color] [list] [*]Dancing [*]Cooking [*]Music [*]Exercise [/list] [color=CFA115][u][b]Dislikes:[/b][/u][/color] [list] [*]Criminals [*]Injustice [*]Bullies [*]Idiots [*]Sloppy people or work[/list] [color=CFA115][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u][/color]A Driven person since she was able to form sentences Dixie takes after her mother who was the director of the department of entertainment of the Compagnie du Ponant cruise lines. Gentle with most people Dixie is called "La'Belette" (The Weasel) which might sound like an insult but alludes to her determination and might brand her a bulldog in other cultures with sharp and ready teeth. Blunt at times she can come across a calloused to many as she says what is on her mind without caring if she hurts people around her's feelings. She dislikes violence but will resort to it without hesitation if she sees no other course. [color=CFA115][u][b]Biography:[/b][/u][/color]Dixie was born aboard the Cruise ship Le Boreal off the coast of Antarctica near McMurdo station. Her mother being an independent woman had sought a donor and decided to raise her daughter without a husband and aboard the ships, she was responsible for. Homeschooled and exposed to the crew of international where she quickly learned to speak more languages than most other children which made her a darling of the crew and passengers. Technically raised in French sovereignty Dixie grew up at sea among mostly adults as she and her mother spent their lives at sea sailing the world. There were the passenger children but her friends were mostly adults that took on a patient mentoring the inquisitive young girl. Her mother a major shareholder meant Dixie had access and privilege to portions of the ship and personnel normally off limits. Dixie's mother early on knew the best way to keep her daughter out of trouble was to pay the crew to act as her tutors in their specialty some as language tutors and that was all. Her mother also saw to it that her daughter show an understanding of etiquette and the classical lessons of Latin, French History from a decidedly Nobility bent point of view. When the ship made port Dixie was made to attend at least two lectures or escorts at the local art, history, or science museum when available. It was a life of demands but it was also one of romance as only a tightly bonded mother might know with her daughter their trust mutual. "I remember the cliffs of Ice and my 16th birthday; finally, I had returned. Some of the crew believed it seems that one born at sea return to their birth for the sea would call me home. My mother who was so silly made my return a legendary party, as mythic as any greek creation; I was her moon and her my earth and we were saying goodbye because when we made Brest I was off to school and mother to oversee the launch of the line's new world ship" Dixie went off to prep school planning to holiday in 8 months with her mother ashore and in Paris; they never met again. Sole heir to her mother's estates Dixie could have abandoned the scholastic life and become another privileged girl but she instead proved cany as her mother selling off family stock because of a troubling trend then dumping her money in low yield but stable bonds just before the crash thus saving her fortune intact a week before the world tanked it. Next came her vow that she would continue on her previous course to enter law, mother said finish what you start Dixie had every intention of finishing with a law degree till she found she had a talent for reading a crime scene and a love for the work. Soon she was hard at work in her new area of interest which amused her because in its odd way a rebellion of her former life and part of that reason was the unshakable feeling her mother's death was not an accident. She used her mother's death to analyze in detail a potential crime scene and in the end only proved the death an accident and thought many would see it as a failure till her soon to be mentor swooped in. Her name was Olivia Myers of London and an Interpol inspector who gushed over Dixie's waste of resources and money. Then Olivia snapped her out of it by pointing out the object of investigation was to investigate not prove a crime but a clear picture on which to form a conclusion with little doubt. That was when Dixie first became attached to Interpol as an Intern as she attended school. her tenure as an intern was much longer than others because of her youth there being an age limit that wouldn't budge. Olivia like her mom didn't cut her any slack and even told her she was hoping the protege that could replace her. Used to regular exercise aboard ship meant that Dixie eventually made friends with an odd mix of party girls, bookworms, feminists who called themselves the Coven. They were made up of the other girls in Dixie's social class and she at first wasn't all that interested in them till Olivia told her she needed friends her age and girls an maybe boys to make mistakes with. It was a fun three years and Olivia had proven right interesting as well as educating. Next came intense training when Olivia got Dixie an instant entry into the academy where Dixie learned to use pistols and submachine guns, her ability at Savate pushed harder then any of her instructors before. At the academy, she met Geoff Leir a young god of a boy barely older than herself who's interests outside were Parkour, girls then academy. It was with her first lover that she learned the art of terrain running and how to appreciate it as a sport. At the academy, she found they had and encouraged cadets to attend and the instructors some of the best. Graduating in the top 10 of her class Dixie was soon one of 3 assistants under her mentor Olivia where her hard work and dedication saw Dixie climb quickly to the top [color=CFA115][u][b]Other:[/b][/u][/color] [u][b]Languages[/b][/u] [list] [*]English [*]German [*]Spanish [*]Russian [*]Hausa(Niger)[/list] [/hider]