[@Inmento Riku] Will review it in a moment. [quote=@RumikoOhara] [list] [*]Added more Bio need explanation on skills [*]Also need to know how long it's been since it all went to hell so I can figure out a reasonable amount of ammo left in 5 clips. I figure if it's been a few days or 2 weeks she might have about 31 rounds left but 9mm is plentiful in Europe as a commonly found round caliber; still, gun laws make the finding of even 9s difficult[/list] [/quote] For the skills, I want a list of five pre-apocalypse and five post-apocalypse. Did they know how to shoot a gun before the apocalypse? How about repairing a car's engine? Did they learn how to lock pick after the walkers showed up? That sort of stuff. [quote=@Poi] To answer your question, middle of 2012. Used [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3y37gL5irs]this video[/url] to calculate time. So like July or sometime around there. [/quote]