[center][img]http://image.ibb.co/cJ24aG/seymourname.png[/img] [color=ff4242][b]Location:[/b][/color] Rosashire - Red Lion Tavern[hr][/center] As the patrons began to leave Seymour did his best to restrain himself, he was not opposed to violent outbursts but the pair opposite him seemed determined to stick around. He did his part, he warned them of the dangers that could lay ahead, his conscience was clean. Even without the threat of their demise, Seymour was hesitant for them to stick around. He had spent much of his time hunting alone meaning that he only had to worry about his own personal safety. On the positive, the one known as Leo was a scout for the Royal Barracks which could make him useful to the search. He stood up from the table and looked at both men. [color=ff4242]"I have warned you both that this doesn't seem like a simple situation involving mortal creature."[/color] Seymour drunk the last of his drink and placed it back onto the table. [color=ff4242]"Should you choose to stay then that is on you. I will not be responsible for anything that happens to either of you."[/color] Maneuvering around the table towards the bar Seymour glanced back over his shoulder giving the pair his parting words. [color=ff4242]"I will be down here in the morning. Should you remain then common sense dictates we work together."[/color] Seymour moved past the ale stained bar and nodded at Skarjaw, the orc gesturing upstairs. [color=82ca9d]"Your room is up the stairs at the end of the corridor. Nuala is just getting everything ready."[/color] Seymour flicked a silver coin at Skarjaw as he walked past, the orc clumsily dropping it on the floor. [color=82ca9d]"Dammit...it's gone through the floorboards..."[/color] The stairs creaked and groaned as Seymour ascended, split and splintered wood making up each step. Even with his natural grace it was almost impossible to ascend the stairs without making some sort of noise. At the top of the stairs was a candlelit corridor with a blackened rug running the length of it. There were two doors either side of the corridor with a fifth at the back, the door slightly ajar. Seymour walked to his room and carefully peered through the gap in the door to see Nuala making his bed. The elf sighed heavily as she finished, taking a second to sit down on the bed. She looked down at her feet while letting out another exasperated sigh, he head dropping into her hands. Seymour pushed the door open carefully, the creak of hinge giving him away. Nuala turned to see Seymour enter, her reddened eyes sending tears down her soft cheeks. She frantically wiped her face and got up rushing towards the door. [color=f6989d]"I...I'm sorry. Excuse me."[/color] Nuala moved to go around Seymour but found him sidestep in front of her. He looked down at her as she stared back up at him, tears continuing to stream down her face. [color=f6989d]"Please...just move..."[/color] Seymour continued to stand in her way, unflinching. [color=f6989d]"I said move!"[/color] Nuala drove the palms of her hands at Seymour's chest, the dhampir standing his ground with ease. He reached out and pulled her in close, her head coming to rest on his chest. [color=f6989d]"I...please..."[/color] Her words were soon replaced with heavy sobs as her tears ran down Seymour's leather chest piece. The elf continued to cry for a couple of minutes before taking Seymour to the bed, the pair sitting next to each other. [color=ff4242]"What has gotten you so upset?"[/color] Seymour and Nuala had built a bond the last time he was in Rosashire, spending several weeks together, but this was the first time he had seen her cry. He waited for an answer but her eyes were firmly focussed on the floorboards at her feet. [color=ff4242]"Is it Skarjaw? Has he done something to you?"[/color] Nuala shook her head violently before casting her bloodshot eyes in Seymour's direction. [color=f6989d]"It's Varyn, he has been missing for a week and nobody knows where he is."[/color] Seymour remembered Varyn, it was Nuala's mischievous younger brother. He had gotten himself in trouble with some debt collectors when Seymour was last in town and if not for the dhampir, would have been hanging from the nearest tree. [color=ff4242]"Has he gotten himself in trouble again?"[/color] Nuala shook her head once more. [color=f6989d]"No not at all. After you were here he got himself a job helping out the mayor as his assistant. He was a totally different person, he actually had something to live for..."[/color] The tears began to well in her eyes as she spoke. Seymour raised his pale hand to her cheek and wiped away the freshly falling tears. [color=ff4242]"Is he caught up in what is going on?"[/color] Nuala let out a muffled reply, [color=f6989d]"Yes."[/color] Seymour contemplated for a moment whether anyone or anything would have went for Varyn in particular but he quickly put it down to coincidence. [color=ff4242]"How did you keep yourself so calm downstairs? You were all smiles and...This must has been eating at you."[/color] The young elf took Seymour's hand in her own. [color=f6989d]"It's part of my job...I need to be able to put on a show at all times...whether i'm dying inside or not. It's easier downstairs, there are people who can provide a distraction, but when I get up here on my own...I crumble."[/color] Seymour stood up and moved towards the nearby curtained window, peering outside to see the ever darkening sky. He turned back around and spoke to Nuala in a tone of total sincerity. [color=ff4242]"I promise you...I will find out what happened to your brother and everyone else in this town."[/color] For the first time since entering the room Nuala's beautiful smile stretched across her tear stained face. She leapt from the bed and wrapped her arms tight around Seymour's waist, before standing onto her tip toes and tenderly kissing his pale cheek. [color=f6989d]"Thank you Seymour. I knew the second I saw you that I could count on you."[/color] Seymour gently caressed the top of her head before the pair separated. Nuala took a deep breath and wiped at her face with the palms of her hands. [color=f6989d]"I really should get the other rooms ready. I cannot thank you enough."[/color] Seymour could not hide the disappointment from his face, no matter how hard he tried. He could usually hide his emotions from people with little trouble, however something about Nuala made it very difficult. [color=ff4242]"You do not need to thank me, just be here when I return and that will be thanks enough."[/color] Nuala smiled and moved towards the door. [color=f6989d]"Sleep well Seymour. I shall see you in the morning."[/color] The elf closed the door behind herself as she left, her already reddened cheeks turning a darker shade as she blushed. [color=f6989d][i]'It really was great to see you again,'[/i][/color] she thought to herself. With Nuala gone to sort the other rooms, Seymour undressed and got into the bed. It wasn't the most comfortable he had ever experienced but it was better than solid ground. He stared at the ceiling for several minutes, trying to work out what could be going on in Rosashire, before eventually succumbing to the urge to sleep.[hr][hider=Character Changes][color=ff4242][b]Character Changes[/b][/color] Gave [color=c0c0c0][b]1 Silver[/b][/color] to Skarjaw for room in the tavern[/hider]